Surely some mistake. William Robert Girdlestone said he owns it and he's got badass contacts in the Army and all sorts of inside info on Cryptsy... so he can't possibly be lying. He's probably the 4th brother not pictured here: thought master-P only bought and sold domain names and user accounts, not apartment complexes.
Also Phin Gauged Asshole fuck twat I'm working on your next Bitcointalk ban what new account are you gonna make then?
Al The Alpacka?
Wait you already used all those
Come up with something new fuck boy?
Boy, I'm glad we're on the same team, otherwise I'd be fearful of you penning how you really feel if were of an opposing camp.
I just don't like you cause you are a stinky fucking hairy fucking old Borat looking mother fucker...
It's not to say I care about you or don't care about you I'm just indifferent...
You are simply not worth my time and most other human's times...
Dude, I don't know what your issues (plural) are, but you're seriously fucked up in the head. BTW, when you fill out ALL them reports to the various entities to bring down Cryptsy, please don't forget any of the evidence that the person you loathe - ME - has spent countless hours amassing, then provided, otherwise your evidence will be rather slim.
Just be lucky that I've yet to join the choir of your dox, where I'm pretty sure I could easily add to your fish-lips profile.
Hey i want some credit too !
Don't forget to mention Spoetnik's CENT story
And wow this guys is fucking leet on the forum.. how many guys can smell a profile ?
I'd like to stick up for my fellow BC boy here and i sort of did in a way earlier (against Horus)
But i am running out of motivation
Buddy your torching yourself here.. which i am amused by !
Are your contacts in the Army from the USA ? (and you are in Canada ?)You work for a Chinese crypto business of some kind ? (from Canada ?)You bought an apt. building you were previously renting from ? Your going to get my homie Gleb Gamow banned here how again ? You got paid 15 Bitcoins to put a shoe on your head ?Ok that is pretty funny LOL
I have to admit i'd do it too.. But is the story true and what were they worth at the time ?
All i have done is post pictures of myself lighting money on fire ..i guess i am doing it wrong ROFL
And people.. you complain about the comment quality ?
Guys like this is first class entertainment..
I am captivated here on the edge of my seat wondering what the fuck this guy is gonna say next.
And some of you are complaining saying be quiet / stay on topic etc ?
Get some Popcorn and do what ya do (grab your med's / pass the doob / crack beer etc) ..and enjoy the show ! @zefrank1 Why the Nooby account ? ..just curious.
I visited your link
Gonna answer questions one at a time ok here we go...
Yes I have contacts in the US Army / Navy and Marines / Contacts with Asian Police / Europol etc I had to as I worked at one of the 3rd largest Data Centers in the world almost as big as Akamai when you compare it to network traffic analyzation services
Yes I do work for a Chinese Bitcoin exchange remotely from Canada I was offered the job I did not apply for it
Yes I did buy the apartment after living here for 11 years and being told I had to watch my loud voice and language or I'd be evicted I told my landlord I wanted to buy the apartment and said I would pay %15 over premium which he regretfully agreed to
No Bruno is a goof he'll probably do it to himself no real point like I say I don't care about Bruno I'm indifferent about him
Yes Goat paid me 15 Bitcoins for 3 Shoe on Head Photos which are all over the place now 5 per photo
Thank you mr spoetnik I try pretty hard to be entertaining as much as possible for a forum based around scammers and scammer activity run by one of the biggest scammers in the Bitcoin Community Theymos
Why the noobie account? Banned by a goof called SaltySpitoon after calling him out on being a Bitcointalk Moderator at the same time being a complete fraud