Uhhmm ? Someone is lying then..
We still have all the same agents brought in at end of 2013 and early 2014
Goddamn it, Jim, why can't you be straight-up with us? The agents you speak of are support carried over from http://web.archive.org/web/20111007060831/http://www.supportshift.com/about.php, with Reina Salibio and Leah Rombo being personal friends of you, your wife and Paul Vernon.
Back to the lies, the following two accounts by Jim and John DON'T jive!
Gleb if you go back in the board history you'll see I used to sell alts on the boards here. I met Paul on Litebonk (he ran the pool). When Worldcoin came out I asked if he knew how to set up a pool and he did for that and every new alt that came out. Back then there was a new one like once a month. Anyhow he inquired on the litebonk boards if anyone would use an alt exchange if we had one for the Litebonk miners. Of course we all liked that idea. So if you wee a litebonk miner you got to betatest Cryptsy. Make a long story short several of us beta tested and became moderators. I enjoyed moderating so stayed on and volunteered for the next year. [Cryptsy went live on May 20, 2013. Add a year - DO THE MATH!]
Cryptsy had only one paid employee after a year and that was the accountant. [The account is Jim Shockney's wife, Virginia "Ginny" Bryant-Shockney] When the wall street journal article about Cryptsy hit things hit the fan and just about everyone who was a volunteer became a paid employee. [Here's the WSJ article dated November, 13, 2013: http://www.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303789604579195773841529160] Paul's other company was brought in to provide support. The other company was an offshore support company. They are the same agents you see now. [Again, just folks living abroad who also handled Paul, Jim and Ginny's http://web.archive.org/web/20111007060831/http://www.supportshift.com/about.php, which is no longer a company]
My main role was as the PR manager I handled the public, social media, advertising etc. I was a salaried employee and promoted the sites. Mintsy was a side company owned 50-50 by Project Investors and DigitalBTC. Yes I promoted it too as part of my job . The problem with Mintsy is DigitalBTC basically took all the revenues, and pulled out. I'd give some numbers, but trying to be as detailed without breaking my NDA I signed.
My last job I held was in operations managing the Customer support, Human Resources, Security folks. When the CTO resigned I filled in there for a while as well managing the developers. The new UI and such was my push. I left because I was literally doing to many peoples jobs for not enough money. Cut into family time and I was ready to do something else.
This thread was started by a guy who was being affected by a weird DB bug that would put the wrong hash for your password when you reset it. It got resolved with him.
Horus is an always has been the same person.... Not sure where you got confused on that. He took over my PR role.
Again the majority of the stakeholders (the folks who own it) in Cryptsy are not the people you see posting here beyond BigVern. The folks who post on these boards are salaried worker bees.
EDIT: Greenlion was let go the day after I left....
Prior to the run-up just mullick and I worked support and did it as volunteers. [Run-up date circa November 2013; 1/2 year after Cryptsy went live] The next person hired after accountant [porn star, Ginny Bryant-Shockney] was the first developer/CTO. [CTO was Bryant Ibana: http://web.archive.org/web/20131102234026/https://www.cryptsy.com/pages/about; Marshall Long is the CTO of project Investors, Inc.] Im really not concerned if you think it makes sense its a fact. The site only had 30k account after the first year. [like Leroy Fodor who can't calculate his GMT time in the Philippines, BitJohn continues to confuse a half year with a year]
The support scaled pretty quickly when the support company was merged. [again, supportshift.com, now defunct] Jshock and his crew joined the team. [the crew consisted of Jim Shockney and his porn star wife and two fellow porn actress friends living in the Philippines] Mullick, and I trained them. [keep this in mind when you read Jim's account which follows below] Mullick moved to Florida, and started getting a paycheck. I joined after that.
I personally do not have the patience or right temperament for forums fud and trolls, so I tend to keep away from where they reside.
Just to clear up a couple of things:
Horus and Pr9me were volunteers to start, [BitJohn doesn't mention them above] when i came on board and the WSJ article came out we needed some extra help in company and we brought
them both in. [doing the MATHS, that 1/2 year after Cryptsy came online, NOT A YEAR] At that time however neither were actual employees and Pr9me wasnt putting in the time he was getting paid for so he was basically let go.
Horus after a time was then hired by us. [by one account by BitJohn, he, Mullick and Horus were hired on the same day, confirmed in the next sentence] To my knowledge Pr9me is not Horus and Im pretty sure i brought them both on at same time.. [Jim Shockney and his crew were supposedly brought on and trained by BitJohn to handle support, but here is Jim claiming he did the hiring]
We have a new PR manager who will begin addressing the public very soon. He works for me and his name is HORUS lol Enjoy! [This PR dude named HORUS whom we've yet to meet replaced BitJohn]
Somewhere within the lies presented above by JShock aka Jim Shockney aka [Smolin'] Humbolt and BitJohn aka [wait till we finally discover his real identity] lies the for-real truth.