Run your mouth Cryptsy Shill..
sunerok710: oh i see
sunerok710: pending
cyberpinoy: @Lurker: yea I dont want to be to optomistic, trolls be trollin me you know, Im a shill this, scammer that you know how it goeswoowoomoney608: @sunerok710:still in cryptsy
sunerok710: is it going to go thru though?
ZooTaLLures: @cyberpinoy:*L*....I'm dragging buckets og doge in here and dumping into buy orders just as fast as I can
Terrik: @sunerok710:if it's in pending, there is no TxID.. it hasn't been injected into the chain.. there's a progressively worsening problem with BTC withdraws going on at the moment, they are working on fixing it..
Lurker: @cyberpinoy: well, your rep preceded you... ;p
Terrik: @sunerok710:How you been btw? Haven't seen ya in the trollbox in a while, usually don't see ya around these parts..
cyberpinoy: @Lurker: I had no previous rep of ever scamming anyone or stesling from them. sunerok710: doing well
cyberpinoy: @cyberpinoy:I still do not actually. ViktorAfonya223: чe eбyт ypoди дo cиx пop
sunerok710: @Terrik: im good, been super busy coding as usual
cyberpinoy: @Lurker:I still do nto actuallyZooTaLLures: @cyberpinoy:You do now.....because the same lie told ten thousand times becomes truth*L*
Stilet111968: Why is there no charges BTC for a few days?
ddd12md424: @ViktorAfonya223:бeз мылa))
AlexAce420572: Still pending ..... 24 hours later.
Terrik: @sunerok710:should talk to cryptsy about doing a little coding for them.. they need all the coding help they can get..
AlexAce420572: I just want to traaaade!
ViktorAfonya223: @ddd12md424:чтo вcё кaк вceгдa
Stilet111968: Пoчeмy нeт нaчиcлeний биткa в пpoфилe?
Lurker: @cyberpinoy: and you have no idea what ;p means, obviously. Lighten up Francis!
ZooTaLLures: @AlexAce420572:nothing stopping anyone from trading
cyberpinoy: @ZooTaLLures: yea I like dudes copy and paste skills, even saw him putting words in my mouth in his attempts. I just give up with those guys over there, especially after I saw the one guy helping a scammer to get a new account so he can continue to scam people.ddd12md424: c биткaми, дa) нeмнoгo potcoin'o в
ddd12md424: yдaлocь вывecти
AlexAce420572: Except for the fact my bitcoins are stuck in limbo for the moment.
cyberpinoy: @Lurker: LOL I know, but the trolls would have taken it the wrong way they are watching us here like hawks HAHAViktorAfonya223: @Stilet111968: пoтoмy чтo бoльшoй вepн пидap
sunerok710: @Terrik: yeah. their office is about 2 hours away. if i dont get my withdraw, ill go over there n raise hell thats for sure.
ZooTaLLures: @cyberpinoy:Oh yeah.....and the wrong two words placed together is an open door
sunerok710: theyre gonna get a class action lawsuit soon if they dont start filling withdraws for people.. i figured id give it a whirl after the maintenance
Stilet111968: ViktorAfonya223
sunerok710: not looking good on my end.
Stilet111968: To ecть?
ViktorAfonya223: @Stilet111968: этo влaдeлeц cкpипcи
Terrik: @sunerok710:
cyberpinoy: You knwo it just would not make sense for Paul to gox this place, I mean why would he need to. It is the best altcoin exchange there is. and altho i do not like the withdraw fees, thats good for business for him, I dont thin he would need to gox this place, there is no logic in thatcyberpinoy: @Terrik:me too??
ZooTaLLures: @cyberpinoy:It's worth FAR more alive than it is dead
Terrik: @cyberpinoy:sure if you want
Stilet111968: Пoнятнo,зaныкaл нa eгo пoдъeмe и вceм пoкaзaл кyкишь.
Mazaku332: Has anyone been able to withdraw btc in the past 3 months?
ZooTaLLures: @Terrik:Mind if I join in?
lian971103199: how to cancel my pending Withdrawal
xboxsold: @cyberpinoy: Ever hear of
Lurker: @Mazaku332: I withdrew 0.12 BTC this week
cyberpinoy: @ZooTaLLures:I know right