If you have it, I will be impressed because I sure as shit do not recall making this connection before.
For an account that hasn't posted much you sure appear to take this thread very seriously to take time to post to make it appear that the links found between BJ and owsley are nothing of substance...
Well we got to be fair here.. i myself had posted Cryptsy guys were silent & in hiding just as Horus posted.
I am not sure what you said has a lot of merit..
I get the feeling Horus did not connect the two guys together.
Really who would have thought that those two guys were the same ?
I don't know maybe Horus is putting on a good act ?
I -DO- know i would rather us see these guys come and talk and clear things up vs staying silent.
I am trying to make sure any all Cryptsy staff past or present feels comfortable coming here to speak.
Or anyone else for that matter.
I have no idea if there will ever be a class action lawsuit for Cryptsy.
But there doesn't have to be one.. The Cryptsy story still exists class action or not.
Horus i have a little warning for you..
My chat ban probably expired by now.. MUAHAHHAamauhahahahhah
Oh yes.. YES indeed my Canadian friend.. You sir have been served a Kids In The Hall Succubus reference !