I'm guessing this thread is expected to be AMD, but GTX 1060-1070ti are also GDDR5, has anyone made leeway there?
I seem to find that the expected timing enhancements do not bring much enhancement. GDDR5X has been a lot more interesting but i suppose that would be OT.
AFAIK Nvidia timings are not changeable, be it GDDR5 or GDDR5X
I was under the same impression until some time ago. I thought its possible to have something in the works, and it turns out i was correct to myself. It is not possible for the public. There are some stuff, which are confidential and allow some sort of control.
Of course, I didn't say its impossible, but keys are distributed to card manufacturers and probably under very strict NDA
Those card makers have to be able to program their cards firmware, after all
I'm very curious about this. But I think it wont bee available to common users.
It can be a new biosmod revolution
OhGodACompany has solution to edit and make nvidia bios mods and could thus sell mods, the first problem is the hardware can reject the change. And to actually hardware flash it you need a eeprom hardware flasher and the onboard security can refuse to load the bios, as in soft brick it/refuse to boot GPU. This is because the signature included in whatever bios you modded this in does not allow/include the mod as valid. Our mod is considered as invalid or corrupted.
Mind you this is a problem for GTX cards, not the mining cards.
The second problem:
I'm guessing this thread is expected to be AMD, but GTX 1060-1070ti are also GDDR5, has anyone made leeway there?
I seem to find that the expected timing enhancements do not bring much enhancement. GDDR5X has been a lot more interesting but i suppose that would be OT.
Not even 10-20% on an 1060?
That would be also worth it.
Not even, Unlike AMD, Nvidia's timings are really good already and are already using more bandwidth % than most AMD modded RX 400-500! I think i got something like +0.2~0.3 MH/s on a GTX 1070, it's really not impressive.
About the first problem:
That's why your company did it by software. I realize you can apply it by software like "ETHlargement" with custom mods (not just 50MH/s, but more). But about the mods directly in the BIOS, I think you could ask for help from OC'ers.
I explain:
When the mods was considered impossible, there was no reason to spend time in validation bypass. But showing it's possible, more people can try it, even devs that are not miners (OC'ers that want to take advantage in some benchmark to win a competition).
If it works, you could still selling the "premium" timings (according your post you have a tool to decode/encode the timings, like OhGodADecode) and more people could make their own mods only with RRD/FAW.
It's good to see GDDR5 is good without straps. We had a black box, so we didin't knew about the best hipothetical performance. Now we know. 0.3MH/s is 1%. Ya, is "meh", and would attract many people asking for more performance (and not donating at least 1 satoshi). Understand you dont release the mod for then.