@Searing - Yeah 12cents / kw and above is never fun.
@Citronick - I'm not sure what the concern is. D3 cost less than L3 during launch. $1450 vs 2400. Only recently did the price of L3 drop below 2k. My L3 that I bought in May / July more than paid for themselves so yeah they're great investments and paid for the D3. I have no concerns on the D3. Remember when the S7 and S9 came out, they were so powerful that they killed difficulty for at least a few months before it properly adjust. The D3 is many more times as the most powerful Baikal miners so it's expected the shock would be much worst but it will recover. The current batch does 18-20GH vs advertised 15GH so it's doing well above $15/day. Should be no issues ROI and then free money. L3 are roughly in the same range 15-17/day but of course at much less wattage and noise. I still see D3 as being a good powerful house for a while.
@ Scrappy Do - It's not always that simple. Most residential house including mine actually have 125AMP not 200AMP so you're actually lucky to start off with 200AMP. Even 3000SF homes in TX can have 125AMP services. It's also not true that commercial rates is higher than residential. IT all depends on the area. Commercial TDU or energy charges are much less than residential so say you have 5 cents a kw in Texas, your TDU charges are almost another 4cents per kw in additional making it 9 cents. Whereas commercial depends on your provider and usage and can be less than 1.5 cents for TDU so for the same place, commercial is much cheaper. You can also lock in for 3years with commerical. My home have a residential and commercial meter. The commercial is much cheaper rate due to lower TDU. Also there are much more restriction on power and noise at home then commercial including the max your transformer can support, single phase residential vs 3 phase commercial. 3 Phase will give you a lot more wattage for the same amperage used, bar none the most important thing u want to have if you want to scale. There are pros and cons to both residential and commercial when it comes to cost but if you're going to go big, it makes 100% sense to do commercial vs many home sites due to lower energy cost, better insurance coverage, tax purposes and safety, etc.
P.S You don't need 1 phase to 3 phase connectors. You can load balance the phases at the breaker level and use single phase PDU so cost is not really a factor but you can support a whole lot more rigs with the same amperage.
I guess that is the major difference in the actual providers. Here, I cannot get commercial cheaper no matter what I do. Trust me I have spoke to damn near everyone at the coop, and even considered buying commercial property, but there simply is no advantage. That may be a major difference as well beings as though I am on a coop. One thing about it, they issue a check yearly based on the companys profits and it is paid back based on usage.
Perhaps if I were on a pure profit company like Entergy it may be different.
As far as noise goes, I am in the county so no city rules apply and I have acreage so as not to disturb any of my neighbors. Not to mention they all know what I do, and we watch each others back.
BTW.. What do you consider big? I'm running 600th/s and working on another 500.
Guess what I am saying is, for me, commercial makes no sense as the rates are higher, and you really get no benefit where I am. I have all my farms linked and do stratum up from a server so I see no reason to get 1 massive connection as it stands right now. I am completely fine with multiple sites and my rates.