As I see on the website, Dcorp is An organization that exists on blockchain as a series of smart-contracts.
So it will be possible for the shareholders to get dividend periodically or what?
Dividends pay out can be proposed by submitting a proposal to the smart-contract, the process is described in the whitepaper in detail. It's up to the token holders (shareholders) to decide on how much dividend is payed out while respecting the coded limits that allow DCORP to continue generating value.
Derivative exchange. So what is the main difference as compare to traditional token and crypto exchanges?
Good question! It's more about what's being traded,
derivatives. A derivative (future or option in our case) is a contract that derives it's value from underlying asset(s). These are among the most commonly traded financial products in the world and allow you to reduce the risk of price movements (hedging) or increase your stakes (possible loses and profits) through leverage trading.
It also allows you to speculate on a price going down, traditionally you'd do this with put options. Where you buy the right to sell your asset (crypto) for a predetermined price on a future date, you have to pay a premium to the party who commits to buying your assets. Strategies like this require trust or some sort of authority, which the blockchain in its current form lacks. Therefor we've come up with revolutionary decentralized leverage and hedge solutions adjusted for the blockchain.
I could go on and on about this but I would effectively type up half the whitepaper again
Derivatives could draw more money to the blockchain and opens up lots of proven trading strategies while still being decentralized and trustless.
I've found some links with general information for you, I also want to invite you to read the section about the derivatives exchange in the whitepaper.