Тэкс...демон запустился, чота качает, пыхтит, звенит...ну прям как кефир много месяцев назад
Кошель предлагает вот такие опции:
/V, /version Display version information and exit
/create Create the wallet if it does not exist
/createtemp Create a temporary simulation wallet (pass=password) in the data directory indicated; must call with --datadir
/createwatchingonly Create the wallet and instantiate it as watching only with an HD extended pubkey; must call with --create
/cafile: File containing root certificates to authenticate a TLS connections with dcrd
/c, /rpcconnect: Hostname/IP and port of dcrd RPC server to connect to (default localhost:19109, mainnet:localhost:9109, simnet: localhost:19556)
/d, /debuglevel: Logging level {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical} (info)
/C, /configfile: Path to configuration file (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dcrwallet\dc-rwallet.conf)
/rpclisten: Listen for RPC/websocket connections on this interface/port (default port: 19110, mainnet: 9110, simnet: 19557)
/b, /datadir: Directory to store wallets and transactions (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dcrwallet)
/logdir: Directory to log output. (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dcrwallet\lo-gs)
/u, /username: Username for client and dcrd authorization
/P, /password: Password for client and dcrd authorization
/dcrdusername: Alternative username for dcrd authorization
/dcrdpassword: Alternative password for dcrd authorization
/walletpass: The public wallet password -- Only required if the wallet was created with one
/rpccert: File containing the certificate file (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dcrwallet\rp-c.cert)
/rpckey: File containing the certificate key (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Dcrwallet\rp-c.key)
/rpcmaxclients: Max number of RPC clients for standard connections (10)
/rpcmaxwebsockets: Max number of RPC websocket connections (25)
/noservertls Disable TLS for the RPC server -- NOTE: This is only allowed if the RPC server is bound to localhost
/noclienttls Disable TLS for the RPC client -- NOTE: This is only allowed if the RPC client is connecting to localhost
/testnet Use the test network (default mainnet)
/simnet Use the simulation test network (default mainnet)
/k, /keypoolsize: DEPRECATED -- Maximum number of addresses in keypool
/disallowfree Force transactions to always include a fee
/proxy: Connect via SOCKS5 proxy (eg.
/proxyuser: Username for proxy server
/proxypass: Password for proxy server
/profile: Enable HTTP profiling on given port -- NOTE port must be between 1024 and 65536
/enablestakemining Enable stake mining
/votebits: Set your stake mining votebits to value (default:0xFFFF) (1)
/balancetomaintain: Minimum amount of funds to leave in wallet whenstake mining (default: 0.0)
/memprofile: Write mem profile to the specified file
/reuseaddresses Reuse addresses for ticket purchase to cut down onaddress overuse
/rollbacktest Rollback testing is a simnet testing mode that eventually stops wallet and examines wtxmgr database integrity
/prunetickets Prune old tickets from the wallet and restore their inputs
/ticketaddress: Send all ticket outputs to this address (P2PKH or P2SH only)
/ticketmaxprice: The maximum price the user is willing to spend on buying a ticket (50)
/automaticrepair Attempt to repair the wallet automatically if a database inconsistency is found
Теперь вопрос знатокам - как при помощи высей этой хрени создать свой кошелек ?