In a PoW system you have by far moar skin in the game and that makes a PoW moar secure by far - since you have a latent / permanent decentralization pressure (by far higher than in a PoS by the in PoS absent op risks) at work ALL THE TIME
Have you ever heard about entropy and energy?
Simple example: PoS is like buying ONCE a cool firewall system - and than never care about it later / ever ...
Man , you are a crybaby.

Control of PoW always centralizes to the rich.
Or would you like to share the location and number of warehouses you personally own that mine your bitcoin cash.
Those Chinese miners can block your transactions any time they like for an indefinite period. (That is centralization!)
PoW is a dying system that is doomed to run off a cliff, keep putting your money into it.

In regards to your attempt about PoS externals.
Only badly designed PoS with high inflation can you maintain permanent high % by staking only and never selling your principle.
However take for instant zeitcoin, it runs on Proof of Stake and it makes less than 500 coins per day.
In their coin PoS is used as a consensus method and not as an insane free coin generator.
You have to sell your principle amount to earn any fiat , therefore lowering your future staking %.
So in other words, when you sell some of it you change your staking % or you have to buy more to have a higher staking %.
The other PoS advantage of energy efficiently will in the end , kill off all PoW coins,
unless they follow Eth and switch to a PoS consensus that is sustainable.
That line under your avatar is ironic.
Remove The Middlemen
Sadly you fail to grasp the ASIC Miners are the middlemen and they determine if your transactions make it into a block or not.
Since no one can maintain over 51% control over a PoS network for an indefinite amount of time like one can with a PoW network,
your transactions on a well designed PoS network can never be denied for long.

Nope - your PoS moguls are the Middle Men - forever -
Get your time frame and all risks right and you'll understand it.
What you 'try' to do with your 'right' PoS is just to create this complex firewall ONCE - no other external work is spend to this after - good luck investing in such a Proof of Shit.
Enjoy your PoW Delusions in time it will mean Proven overly Worthless !

The open markets will decide all that for us - and PoW has biggest share by far - still