So you only removed Gunthar temporarily to see if you could bully him into removing me?
I am sure my old partner will notice changes in my trust list in about a week or two.
Why are others who have joined into your exclude OgNasty campaign trying to silence those speaking out against your DT abuse?
There is no such thing; people just do not trust your judgement. It's simple really.
Your continued actions are the best evidence for theymos to get involved. What Lauda is doing to rmcdermott927 and now me should not be allowed.
What I am doing, i.e. rewriting old ratings to improve them is absolutely allowed and by the guidelines. If it it wasn't I would expect someone to contact me already OR introduce the edit feature - neither of which has happened; besides counters are appropriate anyways. rmcdermott927 continues proving that he is shady/untrustworthy as long as he keeps lying. It is simple really. You can keep screaming at theymos, at me, at everyone; theymos can blacklist me, and everyone that doesn't trust you, but the fact is that
rmcdermott927 will remain a liar. I believe this is an education problem where some people think that if you have 2 and take the same 2 and move it around a bit, that it equals 4.
Can we move the childish mudslinging to the
Reputation board? It's getting kind of annoying seeing it in every Meta topic.
Remind me again who starts this in almost every thread in Meta and why they don't get banned for off-topic posting?
Re-applying this: Mods will not do anything.