"The BSC project Maze Protocol was attacked by hackers, and more than 4 million US dollars were suspected to be stolen. Certik also audited and issued a report."
"Maze Protocol:The hacker exploited a leak that allowed borrowing assets based on users’ collateral and sending funds directly to the attacker’s address.
The asset pools have been frozen to prevent more attacks. The remaining funds are safe. The website is temporarily shut down."
DAO Maker Statement — Thursday, 12th of August
DAO Maker Compensation Plan
Phase 1: The SHO Must Go On
500 USDC will be airdropped to all affected users’ wallets without delay.
Phase 2: Remaining 65% Refund & Liquid IOU Tokens
Given that the net exploited amount was $7M, the amount due (after the $2.5M deposit to users’ escrow) equals $4.5M. This $4.5M will be provided to users in exactly one year’s time in the form of DAO tokens at the future market price.
Ethereum DEX Avoids $350M DeFi Hack Thanks to White Hat Heroics: Report
"In brief
SushiSwap’s MISO token sale platform had an exploit that could have been used to steal $350 million worth of Ethereum.
A crypto researcher from VC firm Paradigm says he discovered the exploit yesterday and worked with SushiSwap to neutralize the threat."
PolyNetwork to Make Affected Users Whole, Resume Functionality
"Following the record-breaking hack, the crypto project platform is now returning lost funds to affected users."
"Today’s announcement from PolyNetwork appears to close the chapter on the historic heist. Least until the next hack."
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]