Will you wait for a third strike to let me try and turn your portfolio around?
Only 50BTC up front and 20% of profits.
He's fun to watch though.. It's almost like that guy sitting at the blackjack table at 3am, so focused on winning after many trips to the ATM, just tilting and throwing cash on the table, hoping to hit it big. I don't think he's ready to admit his strategy is very flawed.
In the case of TH, his path has been:
- Blind support of TH, complete with cheerleading and collecting "badges" by attacking anyone that mentioned the slightest negative comment about Terrahash or stating that people should get a refund
- Next, he attempted to become the spokesperson in this thread to negotiate the proper path for refunds, and stated that he was the best person to do it with his relationship with them. That didn't seem to pan out, so he then went to the next step.
- To save some more face, he is trying to rally the people left to him and organize legal action. His initial posts made it sound like it was already in progress, but then points out last night that he just contacted a lawyer. Anyone previously mentioning getting a lawyer in the TH thread was quickly attacked by Bar, but I guess it's okay now.
I dunno, if I made a bad decision and hadn't used a method of payment that allowed me a full refund, I sure wouldn't want to put hope in him based on his track record! I think someone should form a quick offering and get Bar behind them while he is in full tilt mode.