you know I am totally convinced that you are to gain in all of this... you and your fucking minions are all driving the price down so you can buy as much as you can on the cheap and then it will eventually pump and then you'll do what you did today with dumping it... then you start the whole fucking cycle again..
I'm buying more as soon as it gets to it's low point and holding until it makes really good gains.....
Minion? No, I have a brain and can use my intellect on my own just fine.
I wouldn't touch this piece of shit with a hundred foot pole while wearing a biohazard suit. You and your marry band of AUR pumpers can keep each and every single satoshi you scam from people, no skin off my back; but guess what, nothing is stopping me from trying to educate some of the users here to stay away from the 50% pre-mined scams going on.
Let's start with some basics. Can anyone here prove any of these incorrect?
No AUR infrastructure in Iceland, no way to use this scam coin in Iceland
No way to 100% verify that 330,000 Icelanders actually got any AUR
No way to 100% verify that the dev and his team aren't behind the vast majority of the air drop wallets
If this user is indeed from Iceland, he proves my first point perfectly. I imagine that the dev has to give out AUR to at least some of the Icelandic people in order to maintain the scam under wraps and continue to dump at a controlled rate to maximize the amount of BTC he reaps from this little show.