I think you should revise the XML as it has 3 sheets :
the reason for this is so that each data-input is seperate and nothing gets confused
so the calc sheet is the main sheet where all the macro stuff happens while the other 2 sheets are only for data you export from poloniex
I think maybe the tradeHistory is the deposit history ? or ?
tradeHistory = history from all your trades on poloniex (
depositHistory = history fromm all your deposits on poloniex (
also, I canțt get this work .. I get an error in the macros :
Method or Data member not found - when I try to select multiple dates. .. the macro is looking for COLUMN L2:
ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Values = "=tradeHistory!$L$2:$L$" & r - 1
I think that should be the date, and for example when I export all trade history I have the date in the first column .
i am a little confused with what you are doing.
what do you mean by "select multiple dates"?
afterall you should select a timeframe with the datepicker (from-date, to-date).
also the error you get has nothing to do with the date.
the "L"-Column should be empty when you import your data (it gets filled by the macro and is used for the graph).
it is correct that the first column is the date in the data from poloniex. thats the way it should be
... also the selection is a bit weird .. you are better with CTRL+click on each date... but maybe it should take into account all the data by default .
again i dont know what you are doing with the dates.
this is how it is suppoed to work (which it does on my computer atleast
) for both dates (from-date, to-date):
-select month and year with the dropdown that opens when you click into the cell
-click on the cells for selecting a day (no dropdown there. it just takes the day you clicked on)
-if you do that the written date in the cell below the datepicker should change respectively (you could change that date manually too but is not recommended since the format needs to be correct. use the datepicker)
-hit go
maybe re-download my file and try this without any data. if that works you can again import your poloniex data as described.