
Topic: deleted post - page 146. (Read 70746 times)

Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:33:05 AM
What is Aeron?

The blockchain technology has introduced decentralization of data and complete data transparency revolutionizing the world of data. However, you can use the blockchain technology for other purposes and not just for data transparency. You can use the blockchain technology for air travel securities to, Aeron is a cryptocurrency platform that strives to achieve and help people use blockchain technology for air travel security. With over two million daily passengers and thousands of gigabytes of air travel data to store, the aviation industry has the biggest databases on the planet. Aeron gives people a better way to store and secure such data by using the blockchain technology.

What is Aeron?

Aeron is a blockchain based platform that offers users a transparent and efficient method to store crew data and passenger data at the same time offering a blockchain application for effective flight and aircraft management. The data stored is transparent to all network systems on the blockchain which is this case are management officials and aircraft authorities. Aeron can resolve many problems faced by the aircraft industry with its new and unique outlook to the aviation database.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:28:31 AM

Aeron – Aviation Safety Blockchain Register Record System ARN ICO?

What Is Aeron?

Aeron is an aviation security blockchain technology company found online at The goal of the company is to create a global aviation registrar with a decentralized record system.

In other words, Aeron aims to bring the benefits of a decentralized ledger (a blockchain) to the world of global aviation.

The 10 page Aeron whitepaper describes how historically, “general aviation has been a fragmented industry.” Finding a reputable flight school or a good small aircraft charter can be challenging. Aircraft owners strive to unlock value and get connected to prospective renters, while private pilots look for flight sharing arrangements or time building to maintain their licenses. Aeron aims to bridge this information gap and make information freely available through a decentralized system.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:27:20 AM
A Token Sale for Aviation? Meet Aeron

The ICO and token sale frenzy hasn’t really slowed down since being declared a bubble by everyone earlier this summer. On top of that, the SEC is now paying close attention and China has basically had enough with bitcoin exchanges and ICO’s, outlawing everything.

What I find fascinating is how tokens are being introduced and applied to other industries and real world applications. Want to harvest solar energy for your home, and sell off the excess you don’t use to your neighbors? There’s a token for that, they raised $17m.

How about a new method of peer to peer lending which bypasses credit scores and allows you to use your friends and contacts to vouch for you? Theres a token for that.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:23:41 AM
C-Sigma Show

Today I spoke with Artem Orange, CEO of AERON.
AERON is bringing the integrity of the Blockchain to the Aviation Safety!
AERON believes that Blockchain technology can transform pilot and aircraft maintenance logs, which at best are in cumbersome databases and, at worst, are in paper binders. The blockchain will ensure that spare parts procured are legitimate and can offer a “virtual copy” immutable record of the provenance of every part on the plane, every time it has been handled and by whom, from the beginning of the aircraft’s existence. This visibility is profound, and can take the practice of aircraft maintenance, safety and security to new levels.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:22:17 AM

A Question of Safety.

Flying is considered to be generally safe but even so the amount of accidents each year are troubling. In the United States alone there were 1290 accidents in the year 2014 according to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Aeron are trying to change that by using technologies such as the blockchain and smart contracts. Cointelegraph asked Artem about what ails the skies and how it can be fixed? His response was, “We would like to enable a system where a pilot can maintain a transparent and verifiable record of the flying experience. This starts from the flight school and develops towards a private pilot license and further a commercial license, and appropriate renewals and hour building, with Aeron applications available to log the hours. Apart from bringing convenience to the pilot and the flight school management, we would not like to see the horrific cases of pilots taking the wheel without experience, as you can read in media such cases are frequent and recurring.” A number of really alarming cases were cited by Artem to support his argument including one in which a fake pilot flew planes for thirteen years before he was discovered.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:17:36 AM

In an interview with Coinspeaker Aeron CEO Artem Orange reveals listing plans and talks flight safety and beyond.

Listing of Aeron (ARN) Tokens on Binance in November

In a press release made available to Coinspeaker, Artem Orange, CEO of Aeron states, “Since the successful launch of our token pre sale earlier this August, our team has received hundreds of inquiries from users regarding our plans for listing of the ARN token at the crypto currency exchanges.”
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 09:06:00 AM

After an successful presale in September, the Aeron team is launching the public sale of their token which will provide the opportunity for the public to purchase ARN tokens and be part of the first wave of users on the innovative Aeron Register ecosystem.

As every complex industry aviation uses many huge and versatile, usually isolated and sometimes outdated data systems. Discrepancies in data can cause manifold problems affecting as revenues and operational integrity, as human lives.

Aeron Register system can track pilot and aircraft log records which are stored in blockchain, available for public audit and can´t be forged. It could facilitate data exchange on every step of communication between clients, airports, aircraft maintenance and service companies.

Aeron is a software company led by Artem Orange building a global decentralized aviation record system called Aeron Register and focused on flight safety. Powered by blockchain technology, this online system includes a global aviation database accessible by online portal or mobile applications.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:58:31 AM

Following a successful presale, aviation [Suspicious link removed]pany Aeron said it is ready for its ARN tokens to go on sale for the public.

Worth 50 cents each, tokens allow buyers to support the company using bitcoin and Ethereum. Aeron said its presale raised more than $1 million from 843 backers.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:49:09 AM

LONDEN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aeron kondigt aan dat de officiële startdatum voor het tokenverkoopevenement 19 september 2017 is. Na een succesvolle voorverkoop in september lanceert het Aeron-team de publieke verkoop van hun token. Hiermee krijgt het publiek de kans om ARN-tokens te kopen en deel uit te maken van de eerste golf gebruikers op het innovatieve Aeron Register-ecosysteem.

Zoals elke complexe industrie maakt de luchtvaart gebruik van vele grote en veelzijdige, meestal geïsoleerde en soms verouderde datasystemen. Discrepanties in gegevens kunnen leiden tot veelvuldige problemen die een negatieve invloed kunnen hebben op zowel de inkomsten en operationele integriteit als op menselijk levens.

Konstantin Gertman, Chief Development Officer van Aeron, merkt op: “Het belangrijkste probleem is dat piloten en vlieginstructeurs vluchtschema's kunnen vervalsen om te doen alsof ze ervaring hebben die ze niet daadwerkelijk hebben. Ongevallen worden ook in grote mate veroorzaakt door onvolledige gegevens: of het nu kwam door gegevensinbraak of een gebrek aan juiste registratie. Al deze problemen kunnen worden opgelost door middel van blockchain-technologie die onveranderlijke dossiers aanmaakt voor vluchtlogboeken en onderhoudsdatabases.”
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:44:19 AM

What is Aeron?
We are a group of aviation enthusiasts thinking that blockchain technology could be an effective and perfect way to handle a range of significant issues in aviation. That is how the idea of Aeron was born. Aeron is aimed to enhance safety of general and commercial aviation; we are building a global decentralized aviation record system called Aeron Register. Based on blockchain technology, this comprehensive online system includes a global aviation database accessible by online portal or mobile applications.

Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:39:15 AM

Aeron is making aviation transparent and reliable
The key issue to address is the human factor when it comes to aviation safety. Pilot errors, possible corruption in the flight schools all contribute towards unsafe skies. Aeron, by implementing Blockchain technology, can benefit pilots, airlines as well as ordinary consumers.

They are planning to integrate Blockchain in such a way, so that pilot logs become more verifiable and transparent. They are also going to implement solutions that will help verify flight school credentials and help aircraft operators access uncorrupted data.

All of this is possible because the Blockchain itself is immutable and records once stored can’t be changed. Combined with the deployment of smart contracts and a cryptographically secure database, Aeron would be able to eliminate falsification, create verifiable logs and basically deliver an “airline in a pocket” through its deployable applications.

The workings of Aeron are rather simple. All persons involved in the operation of the aircraft will have access to customised apps. As an example, pilots will have the functionality of personal flight logging in their app.

Aviation companies have the ability to collect and verify data from aviation schools, service companies, airlines and aircraft operators. In the wider ambit, if there is any data mismatch between any Aeron data source, it would be possible to quickly detect the problem and take corrective measures.

Aeron will also enable expired pilot licenses to be detected while giving flight school students and consumers the access to a verified global database through Aeron has put up a one-pager to explain the workings of the project succinctly.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:33:03 AM

B coвpeмeннoм миpe aвиaция нe тoлькo являeтcя вaжнeйшим видoм тpaнcпopтa, нo и oкaзывaeт oгpoмнoe влияниe нa нaшy пoвceднeвнyю жизнь. Eжeднeвнo пo вceмy миpy бoлee 2 миллиoнoв людeй coвepшaют пoлeты, a кoличecтвo peйcoв пpeвышaeт 100 тыcяч в cyтки. Hecмoтpя нa тo, чтo пoлeт cчитaeтcя oдним из caмыx бeзoпacныx видoв пyтeшecтвий, к coжaлeнию, aвapии пpoиcxoдят c зaвиднoй peгyляpнocтью. Taк, coглacнo oтчeтy кoмпaнии Boeing в пepиoд зa 1959-2016 гг. пpoизoшлo пoчти 2000 aвapий, из кoтopыx 623 - cмepтeльныx, пpичeм эти цифpы нe включaют cтaтиcтикy пo чacтнoй aвиaции. C caмoгo нaчaлa aвиaциoнныe кoмпaнии yдeляли oгpoмнoe внимaниe вoпpocaм бeзoпacнocти вoздyшныx пepeвoзoк. Ceгoдня им нa пoмoщь пpиxoдят coвpeмeнныe тexнoлoгии.

Кaк и любaя дpyгaя cлoжнaя oтpacль, aвиaция иcпoльзyeт мнoжecтвo мaccивныx, зaчacтyю нecвязaнныx мeждy coбoй и ycтapeвшиx cиcтeм cбopa, oбpaбoтки и xpaнeния инфopмaции. Baжнaя пpoблeмa, cвязaннaя c aвиaциoннoй бeзoпacнocтью - пoддeльныe зaпиcи в лeтныx книжкax o квaлификaции пилoтoв и инcтpyктopoв. Toгдa кaк oтcyтcтвиe нeoбxoдимыx нaвыкoв и oпытa мoжeт пpивecти к aвapиям. Пoмимo чeлoвeчecкoгo фaктopa пpичинaми кaтacтpoф зaчacтyю cтaнoвитcя нecooтвeтcтвиe дaнныx мeждy coбoй: peчь мoжeт идти oб oтcyтcтвии нaдлeжaщeй инфopмaции oб иcтopии иcпoльзoвaния зaпacныx чacтeй или oб измeнeнияx в жypнaлax peмoнтa и тexничecкoгo oбcлyживaния caмoлeтoв и т.д.

Bce вышeпepeчиcлeнныe пpoблeмы мoгyт быть peшeны c пoмoщью тexнoлoгии блoкчeйн, кoтopaя пoзвoляeт coздaть нeизмeняeмыe зaпиcи для лeтныx книжeк и бaз дaнныx тexничecкoгo oбcлyживaния и peмoнтa.

Cиcтeмa Aeron Register cпocoбнa oтcлeживaть зaпиcи в лeтныx книжкax пилoтoв и бopтoвыx жypнaлax, coxpaняя иx в ceти блoкчeйн, чтo пoзвoлит cдeлaть этy инфopмaцию дocтyпнoй для внeшнeгo ayдитa и иcключить вoзмoжнocть пoтeнциaльнoй пoддeлки. Cиcтeмa cпocoбнa oблeгчить пpoцecc oбмeнa дaнными нa вcex этaпax взaимoдeйcтвия мeждy клиeнтaми, aэpoпopтaми, cepвиcными кoмпaниями и т.д. B peзyльтaтe, вce люди, тaк или инaчe вoвлeчeнныe в пpoцecc экcплyaтaции и пилoтиpoвaния лeтaтeльныx aппapaтoв, cмoгyт иcпoльзoвaть кacтoмизиpoвaнныe пpилoжeния: пилoты – для coздaния пepcoнaльныx жypнaлoв peгиcтpaции пoлeтoв, aвиaциoнныe кoмпaнии – для cбopa и пoдтвepждeния дaнныx жypнaлoв экcплyaтaнтoв caмoлeтoв, oпepaтopoв нaзeмнoгo oбcлyживaния и т.д. Cиcтeмa Aeron Register тaкжe мoжeт быть иcпoльзoвaнa для cбopa дaнныx o тexничecкoм oбcлyживaнии и peмoнтe caмoлeтoв, a тaкжe для oтcлeживaния движeния зaпacныx чacтeй c цeлью пoдтвepждeния иx ayтeнтичнocти и пpoвeдeния peмoнтa в cooтвeтcтвии c пpинятыми cтaндapтaми.

B нaчaлe ceнтябpя этoгo гoдa Aeron ycпeшнo зaпycтилa пpoцeдypy пpeдвapитeльнoй пpoдaжи ARN тoкeнoв. Пo peзyльтaтoм тopгoв кoмпaнии yдaлocь пpивлeчь бoлee 1 миллиoнa дoллapoв CШA. B нacтoящee вpeмя кoмaндa Aeron пpoвoдит ocнoвнyю пpoдaжy тoкeнoв.

Дoпoлнитeльнaя инфopмaция o пpoдaжe тoкeнoв:

Кoличecтвo peaлизyeмыx тoкeнoв: 60 миллиoнoв ARN
Цeнa тoкeнa: 1 ARN = 0.5 дoллapoв CШA
Для пepвыx пoкyпaтeлeй пpeдycмoтpeны cпeциaльныe ycлoвия
Пepиoд пpoдaж: 19 ceнтябpя – 23 oктябpя
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:21:37 AM

Hello Artem, can you kindly summarize what the Aeron project is about?

Aeron is focused on flight safety – we are building a global decentralized aviation record system called Aeron Register. Based on blockchain technology, this comprehensive online system includes a global aviation database accessible by online portal or mobile applications.

Solving the safety problem in aviation via blockchain is not a task as straightforward as, for example, in asset transactions or data storage. To see, how it could be done, we should first understand the roots of the flight safety problem related to flight records.

The main reason behind accidents involving aircrafts is human factor. As every complex industry aviation uses many huge and versatile, usually isolated and sometimes outdated data systems. Discrepancies in data can cause manifold problems affecting not only revenues and operational integrity, but – what is much more important – human lives. The key problem is pilots and flight instructors may fake flight log records to claim experience the pilot does not actually have. Apart from human factor accidents are widely caused by incomplete data: whether it came about by data intrusion or just by lack of proper background on aircraft parts, maintenance logs and so on. All of these issues can be solved by blockchain technology creating immutable records for pilot flight logs and maintenance databases.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:13:37 AM

Artem Orange, CEO of Aeron commented: “Since the successful launch of our token presale earlier this August, our team has received hundreds of inquiries from users regarding our plans for listing of the ARN token at the crypto currency exchanges. Today, we are excited to partner with Binance to announce the agreement to enable Aeron users to trade the ARN token conveniently and securely. Binance is one of the most advanced digital asset exchanges and we believe our users will benefit from access to its excellent trading engine.”
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 08:04:10 AM

Despite the fact that we came so far in exploring space, there are still issues to be dealt with in air travel. With over 100,000 flights made daily, serving over 2 million people, safety is still a major concern. Accidents related to air transport average to about 265 yearly, mainly due to human error. What if we could reduce the amount of air accidents, which are primarily the result of human errors by using the latest technology? Aeron is a project that is moving in that direction and they want to do this using blockchain and smart contracts.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 07:57:20 AM

Aeron is announcing the official start date for the token sale event is September 19th, 2017.
After a successful presale in September, the Aeron team is launching the public sale of their token which will provide the opportunity for the public to purchase ARN tokens and be part of the first wave of users on the innovative Aeron Register ecosystem.
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 07:47:48 AM

Making the Skies Safer Using Blockchain Tech from Aeron

Artem Orange, CEO of Aeron had this to say on the crucial issue of light safety, “We would like to enable a system where a pilot can maintain a transparent and verifiable record of the flying experience. This starts from the flight school and develops towards a private pilot license and further a commercial license, and appropriate renewals and hour building, with Aeron applications available to log the hours. Apart from bringing convenience to the pilot and the flight school management, we would not like to see the horrific cases of pilots taking the wheel without experience, as you can read in media such cases are frequent and recurring.”
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 07:41:21 AM

Blockchain Startup Aeron Announces Crowdsale for its Decentralized Aviation Record System

Aeron is announcing the official start date for the token sale event is September 19th, 2017. After a successful presale in September, the Aeron team is launching the public sale of their token which will provide the opportunity for the public to purchase ARN tokens and be part of the first wave of users on the innovative Aeron Register ecosystem.

Aeron is a software company lead by Artem Orange building a global decentralized aviation record system called Aeron Register and focused on flight safety. Powered by blockchain technology, this comprehensive online system includes a global aviation database accessible by online portal or mobile applications.

As every complex industry aviation uses many huge and versatile, usually isolated and sometimes outdated data systems. Discrepancies in data can cause manifold problems affecting not only revenues and operational integrity, but human lives. The key problem is pilots and flight instructors may fake flight log records to claim experience the pilot does not actually have. Apart from human error accidents are widely caused by incomplete data: whether it came about by data intrusion or just by lack of proper background on aircraft parts, maintenance logs and so on. All of these issues can be solved by blockchain technology creating immutable records for flight logs and maintenance databases.

Aeron Register system can track pilot and aircraft log records which are stored in blockchain, available for public audit and can’t be forged. It could facilitate data exchange on every step of communication between clients, airports, aircraft maintenance and service companies. Thus, all people, involved in operating and flying an aircraft use customized apps  – pilots for personal flight logging, aviation companies to collect and verify log data from flight schools, aircraft operators, fixed base operators and others. The Aeron Register system can be also applied to aircraft maintenance records and tracking of spare parts, to confirm that spare parts are authentic and maintenance has been performed according to standards.

In September, Aeron successfully launched a presale of ARN tokens which raised over $1 million USD, demonstrating high interest among cryptocommunity, investors and aviation industry. Now Aeron team is announcing the full sale of their token that is starting on Tuesday, September 19th, 2017.

Additional token sale details:

Tokens available for sale: 60 million ARN
Tokens price: 1 ARN = $0.5 USD
Bonus tokens are offered to the early buyers
Timeline: September 19 – October 23
Crowdsale opens: 00:00 UTC, September 19, 2017

Konstantin Gertman, Chief development officer of Aeron comments: “We saw big opportunity for blockchain to revolutionise an outdated system. The advantages of the blockchain is that information is safely stored, can not be falsified and is completely transparent to all the users. It is secured by a multi-sig authentication system, preventing any data alteration. Our long-term aim is to create “airline in a pocket” with a convenient user interface for engagement with the blockchain.”

To learn more about the Aeron and participate in the token sale, please visit the website https://aeron.aeron and reach out at [email protected].
Activity: 74
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 07:31:28 AM

Aeron to launch blockchain project for aviation safety (ICO token)

There are few places in the world where ensuring the accuracy and integrity of records is more important than in the realm of aviation safety. But current systems cannot guarantee the integrity of critical data and therefore leave the doors open to potential risks to passenger and crew safety. One start-up company, calling itself Aeron, is betting that the unique characteristics of blockchain technology can rectify this situation and in the process allow them (and maybe you) to profit from saving lives.

The same techniques that decentralized digital currencies such as Bitcoin use to maintain an unalterable fraud-proof log of payments and balances can also be used to ensure the integrity of safety-critical records in the aviation industry.

One key area targeted by Aeron is in the recording and maintenance of accurate flight logs. Current flight logs can easily be forged or changed, and incentives exist for people to do exactly that. For example: pilots may alter logs to make it appear that they have more experience than they really do, flight schools may fake pilot experience and aircraft operators may wish to under report aircraft flight hours in order to save on compulsory maintenance costs. Using blockchain technology to create a fraud-proof distributed database for this information can help to eliminate these safety risks. At the same time, it can provide a convenient way to reliably share information between interested parties.

In addition to a data hub and apps for pilots and aviation companies, Aeron is also building a consumer facing portal for passengers and flight school students to access a validated global database of aviation services. The first version of this portal is scheduled to launch as early as November 2017.

The token sale

Aeron is currently running a token sale in order to raise funds for the development of this technology.

A total of 100 million ARN tokens have been issued. These tokens are secured by the Ethereum blockchain and are ERC20 compliant. Out of the 100 million total, 60% are being sold in a crowd sale, while a further 20% are allocated to incentivize participation in the ecosystem and drive network growth, 18% issued to the development team, and 2% retained for covering administrative costs.

These tokens must be purchased by anybody wishing to access Aeron services, and will additionally be usable to book flights through the consumer portal. In this way, they are expected to increase in value if the company is successful.

Tokens can be purchased up until the 23rd October 2017 for $0.5 USD each. Bonus tokens are available to the early buyers.

Visit the Aeron website here: for more information.
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
October 24, 2017, 07:27:38 AM
         When boarding an aircraft, there is a general assumption that the pilot and their flight team are properly trained and licensed. Unfortunately, this is not a guarantee. The current system for logging training and flight hours is easily manipulated to show numbers that the pilot wants to show. Flight logs are still done on paper, with the numbers, signatures, and confirmation stamps all being done manually.

          The point of a flight log is to monitor the progressive experience of a pilot. This is one of the ways that determines when a pilot can be licensed. As an example, to become a licensed private pilot, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires 40 flight hours to acquire experience and skill.
However, since the logging is done on paper, it is possible to forge these numbers to get a license faster. Legal trouble is not the worst outcome for forging these documents.

          In 2008, millionaire Paul Spencer crashed his helicopter only moments after taking off, killing him and his wife Linda. The investigation into the crash discovered that Ian King, Spencer’s flight instructor, had submitted fake flight logs to get Spencer his license faster.
This incident of fake documents was costly. Two lives were lost due to inadequate flight training and an instructor who let it happen. Ian King was jailed for six months.

There is no doubt that the current system of flight logs is dangerous and outdated. There is no way for centralized aviation authorities such as FAA or EASA to identify forged hours on a log. However, has developed a solution to make flying safer for everyone.
Aeron’s solution relies on blockchain technology to track aircraft maintenance and pilot logs. Aeron is constructing a database and an online system that is decentralized, hosting global data on aircraft, flight schools and pilots. This electronic logging system would force pilots to have logs that reflect accurate flight hours, making aviation safer for everyone involved.

If you want to help build a safer aviation experience, support this project by participating in a token sale. The funding will go to finalizing the technology and assist with legalizing the system with aviation authorities. If you cannot buy a token at this time, please share this article with your friends and family to bring awareness to the dangers surrounding the current flights logging system.

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