You should know better than anyone that I am advocating for both. Stop using immigrants as a scapegoat.
What the fuck are you talking about? US military an intelligence services are trying to feed, house, and medically treat everyone on Earth? Yeah, k. These people have come here to escape POVERTY and they are illegally abusing the ASYLUM process designed for people ACTUALLY escaping conflict in order to migrate here for ECONOMIC reasons. Not enforcing out nations borders is wholly irresponsible, and the situation of other nations and its resident nationals is NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USA. Just allowing millions of impoverished people to flood in is not going to help them and it certainly is not going to help the already existing residents of the USA, and fuck you for putting them above everyone already here as you wag your finger bathed in your self righteousness. It is easy to be generous with every one else's resources isn't it?
Our resources aren't stretched thin? Is this the kind of economic genius you applied to calling anyone who makes more than $300k a year "super wealthy". Don't have any argument? Just lie and pretend there is no problem, problem solved. I am sure the teachers teaching overfilled classes filled with illegal immigrant children would agree we have plenty of resources. I am sure the millions of homeless already here on the streets would agree our resources aren't stretched thin as well. Fuck everyone who needs help already here right? It is your right to take those collective resources and hand them out to people who never paid into our system! After all, you think any form of nationalism is fascist, so the nation should fall according to you shouldn't it? Also it makes you feel generous, and that is what is most important, that you feel good about yourself right?
Emotions are not a substitute for logic, and you can't make every decision based on "what would be the best direct result to inflate MY ego and make ME feel most generous?" This isn't just what is best for me, this is what is best for the whole fucking country, and fuck you very much with your moral grand standing. I never said anything about "all immigrants", here you are purposely conflating all immigration with illegal immigration again to try to turn this into a race issue. First of all it is a fact illegal immigrants take more from they system than they put in. A FACT. It has nothing to do with race or even nationality. Second of all, xenophobia is just a synonym for racism, so again, you are just calling me racist because I think our nation should have borders that are enforced.
See this is what [THEY] want. Instead of being angry at the people making you pay a fine, you are angry at other poor people who are in a worse position than you. In reality, everyone should be getting the healthcare for free and no one should be paying fines but its better for them to tricking you into scapegoating immigrants.
Who the fuck is "they"? Most people who don't like illegal immigration aren't angry at illegal immigrants. If they are angry at anyone they are angry at people like YOU being so magnanimous and generous with all of our collective resources on their behalf. Is it really generous if you are giving away something some one else sacrificed for or are you just a destructive virtue signalling narcissist encouraging this rightfully illegal activity?
We are providing expensive security for people and places much further away. These people are on our doorstep. If our resources were ever close to being stretched too thing, then we would need to go back to letting our military be about defense and close all the bases around the world and bring home the 165,000 troops stationed in 150 countries. Thats a ton of resources going to provide security to a lot of people who are better off than many Americans.
Just because I said our resources aren't stretched too thin doesn't mean I think they are properly allocated. Suddenly now you care about education, housing and healthcare for people here when those are things I've been pushing for in nearly every thread and you have been the main one claiming everyone doesn't deserve those things.
Fuck everyone who needs help already here right? It is your right to take those collective resources and hand them out to people who never paid into our system!
As you can see from the original quote on top, my goal has always been to help both. I don't separate people as immigrants vs americans and think they all deserve things I consider human rights. The cool part is that once they have education and healthcare, they will be in a position where they will work, expand the economy and more than carry their weight in taxes. You've gotta think about the big picture.
This isn't just what is best for me, this is what is best for the whole fucking country, and fuck you very much with your moral grand standing.
but even now you have an imaginary border around the people you want the best for. caring only about people who are in your family, close to you, or in your geographic region is only a small expansion from only caring about yourself. "Fuck everyone who happened to be born outside of that imaginary boundary" is your POV and theres a difference between being a racist and holding a racist point of view. I wouldn't say you are racist based on this point of view but I wouldn't rule it out either.
I never said anything about "all immigrants", here you are purposely conflating all immigration with illegal immigration again to try to turn this into a race issue. First of all it is a fact illegal immigrants take more from they system than they put in. A FACT.
I'm all for reforming the system so that these people have a legal way to flow into the country. If we made legal immigration from the South easier and more accessible for people in duress, we could be harsh on illegal immigrants. You don't get to decide if their claim to asylum should be approved. They have a right to come here, enter, and claim it. Ellis Island had a 98% acceptance rate and granted citizenship within as little as a few hours and no more than a few weeks. That should show you that Immigration from poverty could be a lot easier than it is today
[THEY] are the wealthy capitaiist class who set the rules and benefit from turning working class people against each other. They are the ones who are sucking up all of the resources. They are the reason why people in the richest country in the history of the world go without adequate housing, healthcare or education. Keeping poor people from central America out wouldn't alleviate that one bit. Its a separate fight. Just because something is legal/illegal doesn't make it right. Nuremburg laws were legal, slavery was legal. Stop using legality as an argument. Might does not mean right.