this is wrong information about Year established: 2022 year you can check on whois all sites!
we advise all players to complain and ask us directly on the website or at main [email protected] for any additional information or business
Thank you
Best Regards
Unfortunately, the information from WHOIS cannot serve as confirmation of the founding of the website. It only shows the date of registration of the domain. It is not the same. And considering that there is still practically no wide information about your brand on the Internet, 2022 was logically taken as the date of foundation of your site.
You have a point here because anyone can purchased a website without any working casino on it for many years. Founding is different to having the requirements to start the casino. The casino is not the way it is when I first browse it during there initial announcement. They just made a series of big updates until they come up to the current version which is impressive and show how dedicated they are on establishing there reputation here in the forum. It's not bad to have some question to them since they are new but we should always give them a benefit of the doubt unless they committed already the crime. This is how all business works on this online world.
Hello dear
you are right the yasbet started servicing globally and it's normal we have some issues like before about lang or but the team already fixed it! we try to work hard to solve any player's issue and always advise please contact us directly.
Thank you very muchg
Best Regards