It would be good to know what the price is per unit for a dedicated machine and for a server. If it is cheaper to buy in bulk, we could make a devcoin buy for open source developers who want a server, maybe with some *coind daemons and block explorer available.
AttractSoft's price list doesn't show dedicated servers, it only goes up to VPS:
I could enquire directly about dedicated server possibilities but I think I'd rather actually try their VPS first before considering dedicated, and also price getting a "real" connection at home because if I cannot know who might have walked physically up to the thing and done who knows what to it right at the hardware level any concept of "security" of the server seems to me pretty much blown right out of the starting-gate...
AttractSoft doesn't accept *coins themselves but I could as reseller.
Edit: twobits: I recall reading somewhere something about merged mining getting onto the bounty list somewhere along the line of foreseeable bounties, it is not in yet so far we haven't finished testing devcoin itself so trying to merge it with other chains is an effort that hasn't even been started yet. sacarlson has been testing merging with his multicoin-based chains so if he really does have that working now that might be a good place to look to see how exactly he did it. I believe I owe you 100,000 DVC bounty for having posted about installing, but I don't have your devcoin receiving address to send it to. I am so rusty in the inner details of a.out and make and so on that I wasn't sure how the name of the executable is decided, I thought maybe it was based on the name of the .o that turns out to contain the function "main" when linking so thought it might involve having to change the name of the .c in order to result in the new name for that .o ... if not hey great what simple change exactly would accomplish the feat?