Hmm.. I really must be missing something here. Why would someone pay for the servers to run a pool to then pay out more than 100%?
The p2pool program pays out 100% of the bitcoins, and enables us to also merged mine NMC, DVC, GRP, IXC, I0C, CLC and XGG using the same hashes. So we are paying the miners currently only one of the eight types of coins we are mining.
This software the bounty is about will let us sell some or all of those other coins for devcoins, and send out the resulting devcoins to the miners.
Nothing forces us to sell 100% of the other coins, in fact some of them most people do not consider saleable at all, though we have added attempted estimates of what their values might be if we could find buyers to could for example take our fee in the form of all the GRP, I0C, CLC and XGG, selling only the NMC and IXC for devcoins, sending the miners just the devcoins mined plus the devcoins we get for the NMC and IXC, since those are the only ones actually on the kind of exchanges people are used to and the only ones for which the "comparative mining profits" sites show an estimated added profit you get if you merged mine them.
Basically the tool is about dividing up among miners however many devcoins the admins decide to give the miners.
There is no way the tool can really be expected to know how much all the coins other than bitcoin are worth, nor need it even try to figure out how many of each type of coin we actually managed to mine.
Although, I suppose it could be handy if it did actually remember how many of each coin were present last time around, look how many are around this time around, and estimate using those latestrates how many devcoins all the altcoins might add up to if one could actually sell them for the prices on the latestrates tables.
Thing is, market-making scripts that use the latestrates values use them with volume markups, so at retail size sales those prices would be 3% higher or lower (higher when selling, lower when offering to buy), in middle sized lots 2% markup, and only in the largest lot-sizes would they use only a 1% markup.
So there is no way the admins will get exactly the latestrates; they would get less if selling to existing offers, or more if placing offers themselves, assuming anyone took their offers, that is. and that they used the normal market-maker type of scripts to place the offers.
So really so far all we can expect to do is periodically have a pile of devcoins from selling altcoins, and throw them into a routine that will divvy them up among miners.
NOTE: Actually another mode many pools might find useful is a mode that simply sends out bitcoins to miners as a fixed percent of the bitcoins that p2pool already sent them.
Basically find out how much bitcoin each miner got sent by p2pool since last time you ran, and send them whatever percent more. That way instead of making miners deal with devcoins at all some merged mining pools can simply state a fixed percentage above 100% of all the bitcoins that they will pay miners. That might appeal best to miners who only care about bitcoins, providing a way to incentivise them to come and help us secure devcoin and other merged mined chains.