It picks a random lbock number at which to go get next set of receiver files, I think it would have been round 19 it would have already got before reaching block 76000, then sometime before block 8000 it would try to get round 20. Possibly block 76221 is the random block number at which it decided to do that.
Is the receivers list number 20 in the receiver subdirectory of the data directory?
Extra copies of receiver files lying around elsewhere it likely will not even be seeing, unless by change they happen to be in the directrory that was the program's "current working directory" when it was run. (In which case it should have copied them to the receiver directory of the data directory).
I guess with all the flavours of coins though there is always the weird times when people seem to end up deleting the blockchain and re-getting it from scratch. Hate to blindly try that without knowing the actual problem though.
Is there any clue in the debug.log file that is in the data directrory?
Does it write something to console maybe about files it got being identical or not?
Does it actually have connections? It is not some old version is it?
Thanks for the help.
Devcoin didn't ever create a receiver directory in ~/Library/Application Support/Devcoin, although it did create an
empty receiver directory in ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/Devcoin (missing a space). Is there any chance that devcoin can't handle spaces in the path to the receiver files?
I noticed lots of these messages towards the beginning of the log, but none have come up recently:
The file /Users/grc/Library/Application Support/Devcoin/receiver/receiver_19.csv can not be written to.
Warning, no coin lists were found for the file: receiver.csv
Is there meant to be a receiver.csv file? There are also thousands of 'got inventory: block _ have' messages in the log.
I have about 8 connections at the moment. The client looks old, but I haven't been able to find any newer devcoin clients. I think I got it
I'm happy to just download the blockchain again as long as I won't lose my address. Which files should I delete?