Has there been any info on when Mt Gox will have Dwolla up again?
It is up to the court. As of today the funds are considered seized and forfeited to the US Gov per FinCEN regulations.
HOw much power does DHS have?
In this case, it was not an overreach. The DHS seized a US account that was exchanging funds, without having correctly filled out the paperwork to do so. It was within their jurisdiction because the US-based account, Mutum Sigillum LLC, accepted funds from Dwolla (which came from customers' funding), then transferred those funds from the US to Japan. DHS simply went through the same steps, verified the money was transferred, and demonstrated that Mark Kerpeles was not truthful/accurate in how he filled out his paperwork. The fine - money or jail, is laid out.
The scary period, for me at least, was when this information was not known. Initially, it was a question of whether the US Government:
-Had crossed wires, with one agency looking to regulate while another looked to combat
-Had switched positions from implicit support (via regulation) to opposition
-Had begun the silent war on Bitcoin by beginning to attack and cut off the funding sources
-Had identified a violation of law which legitimized the seizure of the account.
The evidence we have visible and public all supports the fourth possibility. This was the regulation they spoke of, months ago. For Bitcoin to thrive long term, regulation has to happen.
That it happened, and the world didn't end - I consider a big plus for Bitcoin. Much like the implicit acceptance of Bitcoin by stating intent to regulate, they again demonstrated implicit acceptance of Bitcoin by
leaving Bitcoin alone, and going after the violation of an existing law.
Now if and when we begin to see a shift in posture, that's when I'll start getting a bit more concerned.