I've said this enough. If you don't understand what happened I'll explain it to you. ASICMINER will mine at 155mhash/share for itself. This is a guarantee. If their asics are good they will be 155/share. For 0.1 btc a share. Stop and think. Gigamining is worth 0.67 now, down around 60%. DMC went from 1 to .4 before the asicminer deal. About the same. At that time DMC was 5 or 6 mhash a share. After the ASICMINER deal DMC went to over 7 mhash a share with a conservative ASICMINER valuation of 30mhash/share.
I haven't bothered previously pointing out just how retarded this whole line of argument is. But here's what usagi and Diablo both missed when using it:
IF the asicminer deal was for XXXMhash/share NOW then it would be a great deal. But it's not.
When asics come online guess what? The power of the network is going to massively increase. And each MH/Share THEN will only be generating the same BTC as a small percentage of that MH/Share generates now - and that's totally ignoring that difficulty will likely increase anyway (even if ASICs never show up) and block-halving.
IF asicminer gets its ASICs out significantly before any other ASIC producer then they'll be a great investment (and likely that trade would have worked out OK). In all other scenarios there's no way that trade would ever be anywhere near a decent one. Treating the first scenario as a certainty is entirely stupid.
Aside from anything else the trade valued ASICMINER at about 10 times their market value. If that happened to be true then why:
a) didn't anyone else spot it?
b) didn't all of usagi's companies sell all their other assets and buy ASICMINER?
c) didn't Diablo just sell off some of the DMC shares on the market and BUY ASICMINEr shares for a fraction of the price he ascribed to them in his handouts?
d) didn't it ever cross usagi's mind that "I've been wrong in just about every other mining share I've valued (e,g, buying tons of fixed MH/s mining bonds at prices which could NEVER be profitable with ANY realistic model of future difficulty)- so likely I'm just full of shit as usual this time"?
The only sensible answer is that usagi isn't actually as totally brain-dead as its justification of the deal makes it appear. Rather, usagi KNEW the deal was terrible for DMC but managed to talk Diablo into it (and also, apparently, convince nefario it was legit - which means little given that he believes losing 95% of a company's value without any records is perfectly fine). And now usagi has to continue feeding the totally stupid justification for teh deal out so as to be able to continue to exploit Diablo's total lack of business sense again (e.g. talking him into buying back its shares at double nav).