Good idea.
I do not want to see the DMC burn
Hate to break it to you, but it already has. Investors have clearly lost all confidence, since the current price is actually substantially lower than just the resale value of DMC's holdings, low as those might be. So yeah, I actually bought some DMC shares lol. But to get new funds, ie sell currently unsold shares at 1BTC would require nothing less than a miracle. It just cant happen, whatever DMC holds will become worth less, not more over the next months, and it will never in a million years become so valuable again that previously unsold shares will sell again. All diablo can do is swap shares at market rates, but that just means he steals from current investors and further devalues their holdings.
Since apparently DMC's current stated goal is to somehow become a datacenter operator, something which costs millions of dollars, the game is up. Not that there ever was one.
The only sensible thing left to to do: sell all those damn fixed mining bonds right NOW (*), for as long as there are suckers willing to pay for them. Return whatever is salvaged to the shareholders, and call it a day. Start over with a sensible business plan and a sensible IPO strategy.
(*) I might make an exception for some shares in mining companies like yochdog's, because even if I think the future looks bleak for all miners, at least those are shares backed by assets and not bonds that will devalue faster than a Zimbabwean dollar, and there is a slim possibility asic mining might be worthwhile for a while.