Chance to win: 84% (less risk)
If you have 0.01 balance, base bet should be 1000 satoshi. You bet on low or high, doesn't matter. When you lose, you x2 1000 satoshi and now you bet 2000 (bet three times - if you
lose 2000, x2 once more and now you bet 4000 satoshi (bet three times) and so on.) You can either do this: when betting 1000 lose, you can rise to 4000 and bet once, then lower to 2000 to bet twice.
Chance to win: 33.33% (low profit, but not much risk)
If you have xxx balance, base bet shoould be 1% or 0.5% or 0.05% You bet ALTERNATIVE - high, low, high low or high high, low low . First you bet 1 coin. If lose, you bet once again 1 coin. If lose YOU CHOSE to bet 1 more coin
or to bet 2 coin. If you bet 1 coin and win you will go to 0 profit, so you can startover. Let's say you bet three times 1 coin and all of them lost, then you bet 2 coin, (if lose) 3 coin (ifl) 5coin (ifl) 7 coin,
11 coin, 16 coin, 24 coin, 36 coin, 48 coin, 54 coin, 67 coin, 81 coin, 107 coin, 124 coin, 157 coin, 206 coin, 267 coin, 311 coin, 416 coin.
Chance to win: 5% (awesome profit, but risky)
Base bet 0.5%. You bet 11 times, if no win, you x2 your bet (on 12th bet you bet x2 basebet), then if NO WIN again for 11 bets, you double again, you do that until you win).
Example: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (X2 now) -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 +27 (start over)
Chance to win: 89% (nice profit, but has risk)
Bet 1% of your balance, preroll. After a few reds show up, preroll some more, after 3-7 greens, put 50% of ur balance and bet on HIGH then on LOW
Chance to win: 95% (very very nice for very high balance)
You preroll until you hit 2 reds in a row. After 2 reds, you put all in and bet on the same low or high.
150 bets, base bet 0.00000010 (for 20-500k balance, for higher you can do 20 sats basebet), chance to win 10.25 , on loss - 11%. (one of my favourites)
25 bets, Minimum balance required - 0.02. Chance to win 84%, on loss - 360%, on win - 1% (Don't forget that, that's the important part). (sometimes it can win 0.06-0.1 if the loses are
in 1-15 bets interval)
120 bets, base bet 0.00000004 , chance to win 22%, on loss- 30% (kinda safe)
200 bets, base bet 0.00000019, chance to win 5%, on loss- 5.5%
Now a risky strategy but nice profit. You can use it when you make profit. Lets say you had 0.01, you did 0.005 profit. You can take it out and try doing this with that 0.005 - 80 bets,
chance to win 33.33%, on loss - 100%, base bet 0.00000001
150 bets, chance to win 88.88%, increase on loss 500%.
========>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bet 0.02 at 80% percent untill you lose twice in a row then bet max
==========>>>>.. go for 19% chance increase by 50 base 2 satoshi
get that to 10k satoshi, 33% chance increase by 50% on loss base 2 and slowly increase as you move up
now your are suppose to get 100% profit back so if you notice that your are not the well all i can say is rigged or error ( if you keep losing 10-20 satoshi per loss streak on x3 well it may not be an error just watch your balance and record it)
Payout: 2.667x (Win Chance 37.12%)
Base Bet:
Below 0.001: 0.00000002 (The difference between 2 and 3 gives you 1 more loss before you crash)
Above 0.001: 0.00000003 + (Experiment! I'm working my way from the faucet, since I have no real bitcoin)
On Loss:
Increase Base Bet:
Medium-High Risk (Depends on base bet): 77.77%
Low Risk: 66.66%
Remember to play it safe and gamble responsibly. Withdrawing your winnings every once in a while CAN BE a smart move!
My current crashes:
Crash I:
Balance: 0.00025 (Aprox.)
Base Bet: 0.00000002
Increase Base Bet: 77%
Crash On: 17 Losses in a row
Time Survived: Around 3 hours
Balance Left: 0.00009
Crash II (My friend's):
Balance: 0.00001 (Aprox.)
Base Bet: 0.00000002
Increase Base Bet: 66%
Crash On: 16 Losses in a row
Time Survived: Around 2 hours
Balance Left: Less than 0.00005
If you find any luck with this method and appreciate the help, feel free to donate to either my wallet OR my Primedice.
Primedice: In chat, type "/tip anteater" and enter the amount you wish to donate!
Bitcoin Wallet: 1TipGdV9TbMctpGUJZUDymoVx2vLfYZpY
Big thanks to everyone who does!
Best of luck to all!
Primedice uses the following standards for determining bet payouts, balances and luck.
The total possible values of a roll is 10000. This is the count of different values possible in the 0-99.99 range. A multiplier is determined by dividing the total possible values minus the house edge multiplied by total possible values, by the target (normalized), taking into account bet condition. In a <49.5 bet, the Primedice system would determine the multiplier as such:
(10000-(1000*.01))/4950 = 2 or simply 99/49.5
To handle roll over situations, the target is inverted and the above would become:
(10000-(1000*.01))/(10000-4950) = 2 or simply 99/(100-49.5);-
The result is floored to 4 places after the dot, this is in the context of Primedice's maximum 40 BTC, at the most about a 0.004 BTC decrease of payout.
In the case of a win, bet amount times multiplier minus bet amount, AKA bet profit, is applied to the user's balance. Considering a multiplier can have at the most four decimal places after the dot, and Bitcoin supporting 8 decimal places, we run into issues with satoshi bets. To solve this, Primedice keeps an extra 4 decimal places after the Bitcoin 8 and shows the user a floored 8 place balance to users.
Luck is calculated as the cumulative risk you took for your wins over the cumulative risk you took for your losses. Consider a 10% win chance bet, you'd take a 90% risk to lose and a 10% risk to win. If you make 10 bets, in which 2 you win, you would have a 200% luck:
(2 * .9)/(8 * .1) = 2