Why is fear the first thing that comes to mind? This cyclical up and down with 10k right down the middle's just almost exactly what should have normally happened a year ago when 10k was first visited for normalisation.
Below the middle is buy in, perfect entry points. Above that is selloff. Perfect exits.
Sometimes, people are just lust in their thinking, you know that human being thinks to wide and some think to the extreme, if right is going to pay such huge amount of money, I don’t know in any way that it has affected bitcoin. There are so many people that has even dumped more than that amount and it still has not effect on bitcoin.
Recently, I heard of about $1 billion dollars being moved from the market, if that one did not effect bitcoin, because if it does, the value would have come down far beyond this, so as I was saying, if that 1 billion dollar didn’t affect bitcoin, then why would this small amount of money to be paid by Craig Wright even have any effect. So this punishment serves hi right and for the rest of his life.