He keep on playing the gambling with some loans from our friends circle to manage the 2000 dollars previous loss.But the result is both positive and negative based on his luck.
This is a very bad decision he made, such that he's bound to regret and no doubt he's regretting it now since he didn't achieve his aim. His gambling addiction led him to going too far to pursue loses. I think the person that loaned him the money for gambling made the bigger mistake unless he's not aware of his intentions.
In fact, both parties are committing wrong actions, gambler is not advised to borrow money as betting capital and everyone even if they are close friends is also not advised to give loans if they are only used for gambling, there will be repercussions bad for both.
If an addict can get loan, it is clear that they will go further and take ambiguous decisions without first thinking about the risks and impacts of their decisions.
Moreover, when someone gives loan, indirectly he is also providing support to his friend in the problem of addiction that has occurred, this kind of thing should be reduced significantly.
One of my gambling friend said this “Gambling losses are the traps for the gamblers to get into gambling again.”He added when the gambling loss was increases,most of us will do the gambling to recover the old loss.Because no one earning money without work,So our wish will be to balance the old losses in the gambling site.Share your opinion on this.
This is true when you don't gamble in moderation, you fall into the recovery pressure trap, just like your friend. I really think you guys should talk or motivate this guy into quitting gambling for now before things gets out of hands.
It seems he's also unemployed, which makes him see gambling as an earning opportunity and this is the architect of his problems.
What is clear is that money is very difficult to get, in fact everyone has to work hard and do business diligently to be able to make certain amount of money and when they lose it, they will never easily accept or give up the lost amount of money.
There is always desire to be able to recover some of the money lost and they will act greedily when they win, this is an attitude that always occurs and very rarely gamblers are able to suppress it.
Moreover, the fundamental thought for gamblers is that they consider gambling to be the right place to make money easily and quickly, even though in certain conditions they are aware that what they do only results in losses due to losses that occur.