It seems logical for the idiots, if we take current prices, $800 for a rx 580. I bet Titan gives 4 times or more performance than rx 580.
Do you take into consideration that the idiots who pay those prices are a very small percentage of the mining community? And very new at that. Probably trying to build their first mining rig. The number of cards available at those insane prices don't even allow it to make up that much of the market. We're talking small time eBay sellers ... Small time businesses who only sell gpu's, because they think they can make a buck from it. None of the large scale retailers are price gouging to the extent that you speak of. X2, X3, X4.
B&H, Newegg, Amazon, MicroCenter, Fry's, Ect ... None of them have ever asked $1200, $1300, $1400, $1500 for a 1080ti.
Some of those companies have platforms that allow for resellers to sell at whatever price they want, through their website. It's like the "Buy It Now" eBay of NewEgg or whatever other company that offers that to small timers.
Case in point ... I emailed a Amazon seller that I bought from back in November at a very good price about cards that I wanted a few weeks ago. Those dumbasses actually sent me an email back saying they some stock, but they could not fulfill my order. They also wanted X3 per card at the time compared to what I paid them for the same cards in November. I told them that they were insane and I explained why. Their reply was that they sell gpu's at current market value. Perhaps their current market value isn't updated on a regular basis, but I essentially told them to fuck off, and let me know when they wanted to sell their stock.
If you want to sell a card for $500 when btc is valued at 10K, you shouldn't be asking for X2, X2, X4 when btc is valued at 11K. That's just hte result of a shortage by the manufacturer and a handfull of stupid idiots.