Many forget coins were dirt cheap when he started. He may have 50,000 coins.
I earned 1 coin a day from august 2012 until dec 2012 about 125 coins. the whole network was about 20th
My house is mining 25th right now as I type!!
Unfortunately if that is true, it also shows how vulnerable Bitcoin still is, if a single individual can manipulate the market in that way?
will yeah from 2009 to 2012 more then 10 million coins were mined the first ½ ing was at the 10.5 million coin mark
So lets say 10% are lost ( pure guess)
That still makes 9 million coins all under 40 bucks in fact more like all under 1 dollar as the first big spike to 40 bucks was brief.
So if you had 10000 coins at a buck and started selling them during the march -april 2013 runup to 240 even say sell 5000 at 240 that is 1,200,000
Keep 600,000 in cash. so you are at 5000 coins buy 600,000 at 120 each after the crash from 240 to 120 you are back to 10,000 in coins and 600,000 in cash.
It is the month of June or July. 2013. So when coins go mad in Oct-Dec 2013. sell all 10,000 coins some at 500 some at 750 some at 1000
average of 750 x 10,000 = 7,500,000 all cash no coins.
That is not a lot of correct guesses.
I am sure quite a few players with older coins. That have held and maybe decided to get out of the game.
We are very young industry. Lots can happen good or bad.
No matter the industry though leaving a job, and coming out against what you were working on is not common. Most IT jobs if you left and said what you were working on is dead.... would be considered not so good.
I think people like that are scum no matter what his goal was. Here is a interesting read -