and only got 20 bits
username klaw
The 20 bits you received were tips and the reason you didn't have your deposit yet is because it did not yet have 1 confirmation.
When you log on next you will see it! If not, let me know and I'll look into it further and manually credit it.
I liked the investor list and the fact that anyone can use multiples of risk if they want. And despite stunna's warnings, I like investment, but agree it is a risk and agree YOU give up most of the profits.
I liked the ability to send bits to other users in chat, you may want to put how you do that in the FAQ as I just stumbled upon it. Beware beggars though. They can ruin chat. If you can't monitor the chat have some mods that can ban beggars.
I liked the idea of spectators and the ability to block them.
Lots of sites allow you to save a "secret link" rather than set a user/password. You may want to consider this for people just checking out the site.
You may want to allow a "play money" option, at least early on so people can get the feel for the payouts of the game. You may also want to alter the payout number from amount mined to amount won as at first I was confused if I had to "work back up" to my initial bet. Turns out I didn't.
Good luck with your site!