For those new to DigiByte please disregard the trolls that pop up here under freshly created accounts. Simply look at their past posts. This same trend happens everytime DGB is moving downward. The Same process happens with other altcoins. This is often done by paid trolls and fake accounts trying to force the price down to buy in lower. This is a well-known practice in this industry. Please do your own research and make your own informed decisions. We are working hard every day to make DGB better and will continue to do so. Simply look through the past 3.5 years of history on this thread.
Are you kidding Jared?
You fool the community specially on Digusign. The ability if Digusign was the greatest hit for the DGB but because of your greediness you asked for USD payment to used that.
in year 2016 you already shown how the Digusign works and requires a DGB payment
in this June 2017 you Proudly announce that this Digusign is Digibyte's greatest masterpiece
all of holders and supporters SHOUT OUT for the Digusign and they market your project
after a few months you release an official announcement that this Digusign are ready to used and everybody was surprised when you required the Digusign to used by USD payment
you didnt announce that ever since Jared.
you didnt announce that the Digibyte will never used for the Digusign.
Jared you are obviously bagging a money here
and what is your excuse "its holding by a private company" what company? Digibiyte Holdings HK
a lot of holders ask about this USD payment issue but you replied "that is not my decision" really?
You are the CeO of your Digibiyte Holdings HK, how it could happened that the CEO was over rule by your subordinates?
1 more thing jared. the digusign file on github was missing. me and my team are doing a project that will kill your ambition to bag a money and used these thousands of innocent people that wants to believed in your SHIT . this is the evidence that you are intended to bag a NEW USD and used the Digibyte COmmunity tp market your shit "DIGUSIGN".
are you not getting filled up by the money that you got in hyip in CITI
the Digibyte is great but you are nuts Jared
You are a big traitor and player in community
the Digusign is NOT OPEN SOURCE. you hide a lot
you have the MASTER KEY for DIgusign but you dont want to share it..
BIGHEAD creature
You are not worth anyones time so let me just tell the response from Jared about all that USD for DiguSign dont follow things so calm