If anyone has DigiBytes that were on the DigiByteGaming tipping website or had a DigiByte market order that has not yet been refunded please email us at dev @ digibyte.co or PM us. We are manually going through the database to make sure we did not miss anyone.
Several people made orders before DigiBytes rapid rise or during the increase. This means some people made a $5 order and a few days later they had spent over $100 worth of DGB. Or system flagged these discrepancies and it is only fair for us to refund everyone. We also have issues with the gift card supplier. We have paused all future orders.
As for DigiByte Gaming payouts; there are too many security vulnerabilities in the video games themselves outside of our control to quickly return the site to production with free payouts. People were able to easily alter game files and trick the system on several occasions and drain the payout wallet (we never put large amounts in it).
We paid out over 40 million DGB to thousands of users over almost a 12 month period out of our own pockets to help spread the use of DigiByte. Obviously, that model is not sustainable for us any longer. Thank you all for your patience and continued support.
[*excessive Happy Talk and pumpy marketing pablum omitted*]
Finally, a few housekeeping notes. All recent orders on DigiByte Market will be refunded due to the recent price fluctuations.
How insulting that Jared considers non-fulfillment of PAID CUSTOMER ORDERS to be merely dead-last-priority "housekeeping." Good to know he cares much more about chasing Citi unicorns than actual paying users of digibytemarket.com.
Jared's response fails to adequately address the following questions/problems:
1. Why were the Market and Gaming sites abandoned in failure modes rather than being shut down gracefully after a proper public announcement? Citi hype perhaps?
2. Why is "muh hectic price fluctuations" being used to excuse those failure modes? Is Jared unaware crypto prices are volatile?
3. Will I be refunded the full 2*$16.00 for the Riot Points I never received, or the just the (now greatly depreciated 2*387 DGB) used for the transactions?
4. Has anyone ever actually used digibytemarket.com to successfully purchase anything, or has it been a scam the whole time?
Please PM us your details and we will make sure you are refunded in full. Also, just to clarify we are not able to delete anyone's posts on here.
And yes we fulfilled many orders over the past 12 months.
Once again, some people made orders between 100 -200 satoshi. Which means a $10 card now cost them $100 - $200. Some people made orders when DGB was at 2600 sat. Which means a $10 card costs us $20. It is only fair we return everyone's DGB. Also, we are only talking about a couple dozen orders here.
We will be closing DiigByteMarket down as we do not want to be in the e-commerce business. It served its purpose when DigiByte was not widely known. We have to much other exciting stuff to be working on. We would love to get bigger e-commerce platforms to add DGB. More importantly, DGB needs a good payment processor to handle automatic transactions. Does anyone have any recommendations?