It is with great pleasure that we can confirm we have engaged a PR Agency to begin aiding DigiByte in this exciting next step for us. We have engaged them to help spread the DigiByte brand on a global scale, and after countless hours of sifting through a number of options, background checks, due diligence, discussions with the Agency, we’ve decided on one company to help us.
Then we crowdsourced the funds, the DigiByte community stepped up and we reached our goal in just a little over 24 hours. A fantastic achievement we should all be proud of. We reached our goal of 300,000 DGB!
With this, we are honored to be able to announce that we are partnering with Tom Cridland Public Relations!
What ? Tom Cridland Public Relations ? But this company no longer exist , how you can partner with them ?
second talk
Even better and very interesting story about T.C but I found this website plus something even more concerning
hence I thought something not right here. I saw from the other link that the company seems active, that's great but no one here is making baseless statements. As you can see I checked and this is what I found on google . Maybe there is need to refine the website and work on it to appear correctly on the search tools. Myself and many more won't see the the right info at first and won't understand what's going on. It's all at first online marking now . You need to have a good website that appears
can you see this?
i think you were quoting the link
check on february
A very big WELCOME T.C., from me.