firstly ill repeat
and then add
yet other proposals could have been released sooner..
segwit is just kicking the stone down the road.
at the moment pre-segwit we are getting ~2500tx (standard tx mix)
at the moment pre-segwit we are getting ~2100tx (standard/multisig tx mix)
only expect ~4500tx IF.. EMPHASIS: IF 100% of users use segwit.
yep the 1.8x of ~2500tx (standard tx mix) =~4500 IF 100% of users use segwit.
yep the 2.1x of ~2100tx (standard/multisig tx mix) ~4500 IF 100% of users use segwit.
but guess what.
if you look back to 2009-2013, transactions were leaner with the estimates of 4500tx (remember the good old days of 7tx/s hype)
thats right we are just going backwards to original expectations of 2009-2013..
and only able to reach OLD expectations IF EVERYONE used segwit
but a proper scalability of 2mb base 4mb weight. would offer ~5000tx without segwit and ~9000tx with segwit.
and making it dynamic means we are not waiting months/years for PEOPLE to decide to allow other people to download a change. it would happen as part of the network. meaning no political name calling or oliver twist scripts of "please sir can i have some more"
but hey we seem to have too many people protecting devs rather then bitcoins diversity and utility.