Thing is, I believe it's a totally new thing that doesn't really have legs yet. But if the truth be told, I personally think it's the only reasonable way forward for the developed world. Other countries will follow, but much later. I write science fiction so to me it seems perfectly reasonable.
What are we waiting for? We dont need any authorizations to build it. We already have the backend (the blockchain). I think that DAG should be the network of DAM (Distributed Autonomous Municipality) and DAM would definitely work with Open-Source cities.
Democracy actually doesn't exist in the sense it was supposed to. We realistically have a choice of just three parties that no matter in the U.S, U.K or western Europe represent the left, right or liberal, these parties pander to the large corporations and must make decisions that are for their benefit after they get into office. These large corporations aren't stupid, they bankroll all of the top three, which is why our nations end up at the wrong end of wars and corps.
Exactly ! Representative democracy is an oxymoron. We can build Software for real-time democracy and we can even build such system that can bring other governance system such as dictatorship when it comes to answer fast against climate emergency by example an oil spill reaching a continent.
the top three then (due to propaganda) are seen as the only viable choices and so therefore receive the lions share of the votes.
I don't think that's great but I also don't see it as the end of the world. Western nations still have a multitude of human rights laws in place that make our lives vastly better than many people living under dictatorships. If you don't believe that's the case, try living in those countries. You'll soon change your mind.
Let's be honest. We don't have any choices after they are elected into office. They do what they want for three years and six months and then suddenly, they are all super nice and useful in the lead up to the election... and we all get collective amnesia about all the crap they did before.
We don't have any choice. We're voting for our masters. When we pay tax we can't track where our money goes.
Twenty plus years ago there was no alternative, now, there is. There is no reason why every country's citizen can't have an app or visit a website that gives them a choice as to which areas their tax dollars go to (connected to their ID/NI number/passport), or which major decisions are made with a click of a button. The block chain makes this entirely possible, Counterparty already has this voting system in place with tokens.
There is an arrogance to politics that says the populace are too stupid to make decisions for their own country, but the education level of most developed nations actually speaks of a different reality. We know what we want, it's just no one listens to us.
DAG is not only fair, it is perhaps the only 'truly' democratic decision/development that should be the next step forward for humanity as a whole.
Yeah this is the best we can have nowadays. But maybe a better system might come up in the next 50 years or so.
Let's be realistic, we don't want our countries to fall flat on their faces, so we are not going to stop taxation any time soon, but it is our right to decide where our money goes, and national policy.
Do we really need politicians who do not recognize our wishes nor follow through on them?
Heard about one single tax on every transactions would be enough compared to the market cap.
We used to need them a long time ago. But nowadays with tools such as TCP/IP which allow me to get in touch with anyone, anywhere and anytime, is there someone who still believe the need to delegate our political power. I want to be freer as I can't participate legislatively for my community and myself.
It is simply a matter of time, the layers are being assembled.
Yeah Electronic Voting and Smart Contracts are such Applications we've got within Bitcoin right now. The backend is here, we need the client. Is there an open source projet for that ?
If the Bitcoin network makes it impossible to steal funds then the avenue of attack would be to rob the individual directly, to avoid that a security blockchain with sensor integration(cameras, microphones, Facial recognitiona, A.I) can see the robbery in action and record the tresspass forever on the blockchain; bypass that by doing these actions anonymously, countered by adhering to a cadre of blockchain regulated drones that monitor the security blockchain and hunt down the offending individuals, to avoid that offenders would fight back and of course they would face the blockchain regulated enforcement drones which follow strictly and unconditionally without fear the will of the people, protecting them unconditionally, bypassing that would be to attack the common sense of the people, perverting their choices for ill gain, which would be countered by a social information and education blockchain that gathers and exposes the true information of how the society is working to fully inform the citizens with honest, unbiased information, impossible to falsify.... and hence the blockchain begins to form a government and the biggest battle in human history begins.
regardless of the level of corruption in the world, the blockchain with it's structure will correct and balance all forces... It does not forget, it does not forgive and it is legion... the network effect globally makes every attempt at corruption visible, every attack on the integrity of the network is recorded what works once will never work again once understood. slowly but surely each deviation against the will of the people is methodically routed out and eliminated.
Which blockchain are you talking about? Bitcoin blockchain? Meta-coin? Maybe we could prototype DAG using Sidechains? Like this stuff: idea, but first you need consensus on the proper role of government. what should the DAG do and what shouldn't it so? Since people can't really agree on that, how will you supplant the current system?
I think that the protocol should embed every form of governance. So the DAG can be lean compared to the situation. I don't mind dictatorship to be bad. It's a tool. If you put dictatorship in the wrong hand it's make you know what (+1 godwing point to me) but if you give dictatorship to mathematics maybe great thing can be done ?
will only reveal this information to others if you approve.
what you know it knows too and can tell if you may be getting extorted or robbed and will inform security drones to come check up on you to make sure everything is okay only if you have it setup for that...
So what you are saying is it won't be effective against blackmail and extortion since anyone being extorted will turn off the check in order to protect their kidnapped loved one and all movies about cops figuring this out and being heroes will take place in the distant past? Seems more likely to me that the very suggestion that that is possible will take away that right. I certainly want privacy, but at the end of the day, if people as a collective are voting, they will never be smart enough to be fair for everyone and fear will always guide the system. There are a lot of stupid laws due to a lot of stupid fears, and there is a lot of stupid propaganda to drive that fear, and a DAG wouldn't change either of those things because there are a lot of stupid people.
I think that DAG will be the basic layer of multiple protocol maybe named as DAM (Autonomous Municipality). I think that the best start would be by prototyping this with open source city such as by example. Majority of people might sound dumb because the've been formated because of our government system. But why don't just try to help them instead of to let them alone, dying because of drugs and such ?