Multi-card bitstreams are difficult to develop, and to be honest I'm not even sure they are scaleable to large farms. You need to load a different bitstream into each card, then create a config file on the PC which tells the PC which cards are connected together, and obviously if one card goes down or fails, both cards are down because they cannot calculate a hash result on their own. It does have potential for really high profits for the small-scale miner, but I doubt a 200 FPGA farm would bother with multi-card bitstreams, especially if you need 4 or 8 cards daisy chained together. Again, with 8 cards daisy chained, if something goes wrong with 1 card, then the whole rig is down.
We make the NR104 which is quad fpga into an rack mount 100% super modified which beats hands down the sqlabs bcu1525 which we call NR1525M, here is the thread
Over-priced, with outlandish claims of value and ROI to boot. Try to answer the real questions in your thread rather than deleting them. Until then, scam alert.
...and video of a box running fans is joke right?
Sorry you feel that way, in due time as we release more details we hope to change your mind
If you have bitstreams that come with this, please share the hashrate to the community.