There is also nothing that "backs" gold, it can be easily counterfeited (plated tungsten) and it too, even like oil, began it's path to becoming a symbol of wealth as a "pyramid scheme".
Gold was never a pyramid
scheme. But it was at the top of the pyramid of acceptable commodity monies. And
everybody used and accepted it.
I beg to differ. In fact salt, necessary to preserve meat before refrigeration, was the first "money", and all new markets for a new commodity are trade and distribution "pyramids".
The first cave guy who stumbled upon shiny yellow stones he couldn't eat or kill anything with in a pile of rocks at the bottom of some stream was exactly like Sitoshi. He picked them all up and went "kool" to himself, went back to the campground. probably pounded them into ear rings and pawned some of them off on some pals. Immediately these guys noticed that their shorties were fascinated by and thrilled with them. Soon other guys also came across chicks with them and also noticed they could also make rings and bangles out of them that really drove the chicks crazy and they all went back to Sitoshi to get some more.
Soon Sitoshi was fat, buried in other valuables and out of places to find more gold just laying around, so still having a bunch of gold that cost him nearly nothing, he decided he had to get guys to pan or mine for him around where he'd got the first batches. Also some dudes named litecoin also got hired by mistake and also figured out exactly what was going on with these ugly dudes getting action with all the hot chicks with this junk. Once Sitoshi's mine was sold out he was fixed for life, still selling it now for many hundreds of times more than he first did and out off the top of his 1st sales pyramid with a fortune. (and probably all the hottest babes in the region)
Meanwhile everybody else was left to either holding on to them as long a they could, and flipping bits for more stuff to new horny dudes or selling their hoards for similar fortunes of value to other tribal warlords etc. using bits of it for barter, whacking one another or "getting their sins forgiven" for some.
This of course prompted other gold mining and gold panning "pyramids" to be started as get rich schemes for their bankrollers. The story of oil is little different.
What actually increases the marginal value of gold and oil is the fact they are relatively scarce, lots of work to get, of marginal utility and are thus always worth bidding-up and fighting over.
The Bilderberg Gold Pharaohs of Liechtenstein still wield their monopoly over it as their fiat authority to own and enslave us all and our nations though the mechanisms of their exclusive proprietary ownerships of our national mediums of labour exchange currencies today.
Translation: Central bankers control the world because they control the money supply.
they ENSLAVE the world's people and their nations because they OWN it's people's Labour Exchange "money" supply, being it's rentiers, it's usurers for power and influence, it's fiat counterfeiters and the fiat devaluers of all labours.In the Economics 101 lesson in Genesis of the famine in Egypt, Joseph, conveniently (greedily) sells Pharaoh’s stored grain until Pharaoh accrues all of the rare gold which was then the only form of "money" in the first year of famine. In the second year, the people were then forced to barter their animals and other holdings for the grain and then, thereafter, they end up bartering themselves as slaves for grain merely to survive the famine as they are all then finally left gold-rent debt-enslaved and bonded in indenture to Pharaoh for eternity. The famine was prepared for but the preparers sought only to enslave by it.
Finite gold or any "finite something" like DaVinci paintings or '57 Chevy Bel Airs could not ever be used as a Free Market "labor exchange currency" in any growing freed market economic system. A finite and privately hoarded “old money” (gold, silver, Quagga-skins etc) public Labor Exchange Currency supply system is prescription for slavery.
In any commercial system by means fair or foul a "commercial" winner (or winners) will always eventually emerge to own nearly all of the available, finite dual-use Labor Exchanging "currency" resource (all the gold or DaVinci paintings) after which point the rest of the economy (all property) becomes their private chattel, and all of it's participants become their rent-debt-slaves. In a private, finite currency system after that point everyone else has to go to them, cap in hand, to rent some piece of one of their loaned-out DaVinci paintings or a fiat token of their wealth derived from it (gold) even just to use a pay-toilet!
Even if everyone had some tiny reserve of gold or DaVinci painting scraps set aside as savings the debt enslavers could drive prices up by raising token-rent-debt-prices (tax-interest usury) or printing-dilution money-supply (monetization) inflation and thus force all the small gold holders to be forced to exchange their paltry holdings to eat or heat their homes or fuel their cars. (hoarded false-scarcities, engineered famines or pandemics).
One "winning" consumer (Gold Pharaoh), no matter how audacious his corruptly consumptive lifestyle cannot "urinate down" a "Free Market" economy getting his yards cut, building his pyramids or renovating his palaces. The power to counterfeit, loan and issue (from nothing) a fiat Labor Exchange Currency token is the power to corrupt. The Wealth of Nations is their public property expressed and represented by the foreign-export fruits of all labors value of their publicly owned and issued "Medium of Labor Exchange Currency". Defending, maintaining and growing the ongoing utility and labour-exchange value of its own citizens economic "currency" is the public work of a nation, it is not ever to be regarded as the private toy-hobby of some "beneficent" private Tory-Bilderberg Trotskyite Menshevik gang of wealthy boardroom(or stock market)-socialist Pharaohs.
When the "lights go out" fuels, ammunition, weapons and food will all have far more value than gold.
True that.
A Bitcoin is simply a derivative that only represents the LOOT or SERVICES that the guy that you got it off, got out of you for it, and made off with. It is a fiat "futures derivative contract" that arguably has some but really has no certain inherent added-value, other than as a virtual digital sort of a much fancier kind of an encrypted GM ignition key, that you can move, swap and store electronically.
Bitcoin is not a derivative of anything. Neither is gold. And neither has any
inherent value.
Legally speaking a "bitcoin" is a "Crypto-chain-securitized future-derivative-exchange token" contract, (just like a gold futures contract, a corn futures contract or a mortgage backed securities
[gotta love that last word] futures contract) and this is why (loophole) it is NOT lawfully a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme. It is an exchange traded contract on the current value a (bull) speculator or (bear) thrift seeker places on the future value of some commodity.
In this case a Bitcoin-Securitized Token itself is the commodity the "futures derivative-value contract" is about.
Like a "gold contract' or "mortgage backed security' (I love that last word) derivative it is a "BTC -securitized Future Derivative Contract" that merely allows you to keep, transfer it around or transfer it somewhere else to resell it there for whatever it may seem to be worth to the next guy, a minimum of an hour from now.
Securitized Future Derivative Contract. Really? What are the terms of this contract? What is "securing" this contract? Are you just trying to say that holding Bitcoins is bit of a gamble?
That is exactly all that it is. The terms are you pay it's holder what you think it is/will be worth to you in the future in order to possess it. It is "secured" by the encryption chain that guarantees and certifies it's provenance and makes it unforgeable.
It is almost all a gamble, except it undeniably has value and utility of it's own, and is therefore not legally a "nothing for a something", the risk is in it's market valuation.
And, it is "backed" by the good faith and trust of all in the fruits of the labours of it's owners who are the economic "Nation of Bitcoin". It is also the first Global-Economic "nation" of digitally productive citizens.
The suicidal crisis with Fiat Bitcoins is that there is no convention nor systematic mechanism of well-regulation to stabilize nor assure users the stable Fiat "value" of them, relative to anything else practical. This means that they are doomed to being totally unsuitable, unreliable, non dependable and useless as a Medium of Labour Exchange Currency.
Translation: Bitcoins will never be good money because their value will never be dependable.
Maybe, but not for lack of
convention, systematic mechanism or well-regulation.
I enjoy parsing circumlocutory prose as much as the next guy, but seriously, that was a lot of work.
I have proposed a solution
See this proposal/explanation
Re: stable bitcoin pricing...The "Bubbles with Bitcoins" nightmare