In order for a signature campaign to be successful for the advertiser, each post should make over 3-30 cents in increased traffic and sales. Now, is this generally the case? I know PrimeDice canceled their campaign and a few others have ended theirs too (e.g. ActionCrypto) so I'd imagine it's not actually all that profitable?
How successful they are or what sort of ROI is hard to gauge but I personally feel that they're worthwhile but on a budget. PD was paying out over 30+btc a month at one point but whether they were getting that directly back in revenue is hard to tell though Stunna/PD obviously thought it was worth it. Most of the other fixed rate campaigns seem to pay out between 2-4 btc and I think those will definitly get their money's worth in exposure at least. As has already been mentioned, PrimeDice are very likely going to relaunch it at some point and I don't think they really closed their campaign due to ineffectiveness but it could have been a factor. I think they were paying too much out personally but I'm sure you or they can find a balance.
I see one campaign bit-x paid out 20btc this month, now does that exchange make that back straight away!? Probably not but that exchange has been placed in the subconscious minds of many and i am pretty sure they see profit maybe not short term but in the long run that advertisement will pay off. Good luck with your business an with whatever way you decide to market.
Agreed. This forum is probably the best exposure for a bitcoin business and it can get your brand out there very quickly. One of the first things I noticed about this forum when I joined was the PrimeDice sigs and it definitely piqued my interest and I think their campaign was instrumental in making them the biggest and most respected dice site out there.
I did a signature campaign for Silver Wallets and it did generate some business for us. I would guess overall we probably broke even. Since we sell physical items I think the advertising is a little less effective. I would also be curious how well it works for gaming sites though.
Gambling sites and exchanges to somewhat of a lesser degree will do much better than businesses selling physical goods, though again it's still good for getting your name out there. I don't think I was aware of Silver Wallets until your campaign.
It's probably best to ask this forum if you could allow people to have image banners
You can't, though you can have them in your Announcement thread. You can also buy forum ads.
I think it actually works.
Last time when i allowed to put my refferal link on my signature, I got about 30 refferals is a month only
If it's not works, signature campaings already gone by now
You could test the effectiveness of the campaign by doing a trial run and putting a ref link into your signature designs. What business are you actually wanting to promote?