I am not very good in english and i use wrong tense wrong synonyms which cause you to misunderstand my posts, Sometimes i forget to add question mark which make huge difference.
sometimes i add too many commas, etc.
I don't know why i write and speak very less words to complete a sentence which causes others to misunderstand me, will try to improve my english and writing.
so please give me time to understand the mistake and edit that posts with right words,
It wasn't the dick move but leaving the both campaign without waiting to weekend was the dick move,
the payroll is more in coingame campaign then that of both campaigns combined.
here the calculation if you want:
yomix $1/post for 20posts= $20/week
zenland $0.75/post for 20posts= $15/week
$35 and current campaign have $40/week
I learned from mistake that; do not leave the campaign until the week ends, and this is not written in any signature campaign clearly like
"do not leave or remove your signature or avatar until the week ends"
"if you leaved the campaign in the middle of week you will not get the payment"
"inform everything you do to manager by PMing and wait for their reply for confirmation"
So I started the thread in meta to save any new full member who participated first time do not make this type of mistake.
I made an stupid move to learn a small lesson which may have cleared by texting the manager on telegram.