You believe lotteries are ripe for psychic intervention because they are unpredictable, unlike sports. This seems like convenient believing cherry-picking. If psychics can access the supernatural, why confine themselves to random number draws?
The supernatural intrigues me endlessly. However, consulting psychics for gambling advice seems a bit woowoo. The world is full of strange events, but betting on dreams and psychic nudges? A gamble in itself! Remember the "false psychic" industry. What distinguishes genuine from profit-driven charlatans? You can believe what you want. In gambling, where odds and probabilities rule, psychic predictions look more like a gamble than a strategy.
And that is exactly what they are, however for the clients this makes sense, if the fortuneteller supposedly can look into the future and see future events, then why not ask about information that could change their lives in seconds like the winning numbers of the lottery?
This is often explored in movies and TV series in which the characters get access to information about the future in some way or form, but is it real? Could someone actually predict those numbers? And it should be obvious for anyone that the answer to that is no.
Well, always in everything that people Believe there is what we call Superstitions , for that reason it is that we always consider that things are very Necessary to do them well in order to generate better Predictions or something like that , in these Things I have Always seen Cases where they look for the so-called witches, who use tobacco , candles , spirits and different things that do things, and they tell the people that if they assure them that they will help them achieve or achieve different Results , and of course for this Service they charge a lot of money , but it is something that some people go away and believe in that, I really don't believe in those thing , I know that there is a world of spirits and all that, but for it to affect things like chance I think that for them to Interfere on this plane to do something like that is not Allowed, they can do other types of things but not for this, now, there are people who are Actually psychic, and those Psychic people are quite Emphatic in what they d o, and I Would think that The things they can do are other Worldly.
I don't know if within their reach they can change something that may happen, what they do is see what is going to happen, that is if they can do it, but psychic betting would be like knowing what number or what event will happen , but I don't know if the scope is neither Definitive nor so precise , because otherwise psychics do not see things as if it were an HD channel, those things can be very drastic, they can see but not as many believers, but psychics are very millionaire people, rich, and they would not have to do anything else , but be arguing, and those who Say they are Witches Would be people who would be Millionaires too, because if their Esotericisms tell them what numbers will fall or what combination in the lottery will Fall, then they should be, it is not So? So since it is such a closed and at the same time very delicate topic, because that World or that spiritual Reality is delicate, because it is not known what it is about, it must be Repeated.