They should not be ashamed of being a gambler because playing gambling is your own choice by knowing the risks and you are also playing gambling using your money, you will be embarrassed if you play gambling by wearing or borrowing money then lose.
The thing is some people Gamble and Gamble and gamble, just like as you've said it's good when you only gamble your extra money, but some are becoming so addictive and they are ruining every assets they have until reaching the point of having no properties at all. Sad but true.
It is simply if you feel shameful you are not confident or happy with your activity isn't it? Because if you are happy and you think you don't do bad things to you and to other people it you will dont feel a shameful gambler . IMO . Some gamblers play without being shameful but they've done bad things.
Nice saying that point. Yup, some people don't care how they do bad things just to gamble. They feel no shame and they are just doing what they want to do. Ending up in conflicts and later own if they are not cautious of the effect of their deeds, they are ending up in prison but still they think that what they have done is not a shame. Some people are like that. The wrongs of the world is clear.