
Topic: Do you hate muslems? - page 83. (Read 213910 times)

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
December 14, 2016, 06:32:28 PM

Good job posting this.  Muslims should look at their faith and stop saying it is a religion of peace.

This ideology should be outlawed in the western countries.

There may be a lot of misinformation floating around, on various sides of the issue but it certainly does seem that the Islam religion has serious problems.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
December 14, 2016, 06:14:41 PM
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
December 14, 2016, 04:22:55 PM
I do not hate Muslims. I just don't like when they move for life to another country and begin to spread they rules in that place where they come and to that people who lived long ago before them there. That's behavior I hate.

Let's take a look at their Islamic Terror Attacks for the last 30 days.   There were 167 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 1460 people were killed and 1942 injured.   That's just one month.....'s not accurate to think in terms of "The only problem is ISIS and they are not really Muslims."  Nope, the problems of brutality and violence seems to follow Muslims where ever Muslims are.  Of course, a fair amount of the time it's Muslims killing Muslims.  That is when they are not killing non-Muslims.

Date    Country    City    Killed    Injured    Description
2016.12.13    Egypt    Sinai    12    0    A dozen captives are butchered by religious fantatics.
2016.12.12    Pakistan    Spinwam    1    3    Islamic militants pick off a young girl on her way to school with a roadside bomb.
2016.12.11    Somalia    Mogadishu    29    48    Two young boys are among thirty slaughtered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.12.11    Egypt    Cairo    25    49    A brutal Religion of Peace suicide bomb blast during service at a Coptic church claims two dozen innocent lives, including six children.
2016.12.10    Yemen    Aden    48    31    A massive suicide blast targets security personnel lining up for pay, leaving at least forty-eight dead.
2016.12.10    Pakistan    Abbottabad    1    0    A Shiite civil engineer is gunned down in a targeted attack by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2016.12.09    Egypt    Giza    6    6    Hasm Islamists kills six guards with a bomb planted near the pyramids.
2016.12.09    Nigeria    Madagali    57    177    Two school-age girls are strapped with 'suicide' bombs and sent into a crowded market. Over fifty patrons are massacred in the subsequent explosion.
2016.12.08    Pakistan    Quetta    1    0    Sectarian hardliners shoot a Shia minority to death inside his welding shop.
2016.12.07    Thailand    Narathiwat    1    0    A 31-year-old man is shot and killed by terrorists while on his way to work.
2016.12.07    Libya    Benghazi    0    18    Terrorists set off a 'double-tap' car bomb trap designed to nail first responders.
2016.12.07    Iraq    Mosul    20    43    The Islamic State claims a suicide bombing near a hospital that leaves twenty dead.
2016.12.06    Iraq    Mosul    21    35    Women and children are most of the twenty-one civilians ripped apart by a bomb at a vegetable market.
2016.12.06    Afghanistan    Kandahar    4    0    A Taliban attack leaves at least four other dead.
2016.12.06    Thailand    Nong Chik    2    0    A married couple on their way to pick up their daughter are gunned down by Muslim 'separatists.'
2016.12.06    Thailand    Yaring    1    1    A man is shot to death in front of his wife by militant Muslims.
2016.12.06    Thailand    Panarae    1    0    Muslim 'separatists' murder a 38-year-old electrical worker.
2016.12.06    Thailand    Saiburi    1    0    A village guard is riddled with bullets by Muslim terrorists.
2016.12.05    Iraq    Mosul    3    3    Three youths lose their lives to a well-placed ISIS mortar round.
2016.12.05    Iraq    Hawija    4    0    Four teens are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.12.05    Iraq    Fadikha    2    0    Two young people are executed for encouraging others to 'leave the caliphate for the land of infidels'.
2016.12.05    Iraq    Qasr    1    5    One person bleeds out after Jihadis bomb a fish market.
2016.12.05    Somalia    Burhakabo    6    10    Islamists use a remote-controlled bomb to take out six people near a vegetable market.
2016.12.05    Iraq    Rubaida    5    0    A family of five is caught and quickly executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2016.12.05    Syria    Maslamah    1    0    A gay man is thrown off a rooftop, then finished off by stoning.
2016.12.05    Syria    Aleppo    2    1    Two Russian nurses are murdered by Sunni radicals.
2016.12.05    Afghanistan    Khoshamand    4    1    The Taliban sucessfully kill two women and two children with a roadside bomb.
2016.12.05    Syria    Aleppo    8    0    Eight civilians bleed to death from Sunni shrapnel.
2016.12.05    Mali    Niono    1    0    al-Qaeda militants attack a prison and kill a guard.
2016.12.04    Nigeria    Abuja    1    0    A Christian college student is beheaded by Fulani terrorists.
2016.12.04    Syria    Qalamoun    1    0    The Islamic State brutally executes a man for 'fighting against Allah'.
2016.12.04    Lebanon    Bqaa Sifrin    1    1    Islamists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a guard.
2016.12.04    Iraq    Mosul    25    80    Over two dozen civilians die when Islamic State members fire rockets into their neighborhood.
2016.12.04    Pakistan    Mardan    2    0    Two persons are gunned down by suspected terrorists while returning from a wedding.
2016.12.04    Iraq    Darbandikhan    13    0    At least thirteen innocents are blown to bits by two suicide bombers.
2016.12.04    Iraq    Tal Afar    3    0    Three Shiites are beheaded by ISIS.
2016.12.03    Afghanistan    Maida Wardak    1    0    A university student is publicly executed by the Taliban.
2016.12.03    Iraq    Mosul    24    18    A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a crowd, taking out at least two dozen innocents.
2016.12.03    Syria    Aleppo    3    20    Fatah Halab members fire missiles into a neighborhood, killing three residents.
2016.12.03    Syria    Furqan    2    13    Two civilians succumb to Sunni shrapnel.
2016.12.03    Iraq    Tal Afar    13    7    A Sunni suicide bomber takes care of thirteen Shiites.
2016.12.03    Syria    Dier ez-Zor    4    0    Four men are executed by the Caliphate by having rifle barrels stuck in their mouths.
2016.12.03    Iraq    Baghdad    7    15    Jihadis blow up a car at a market, killing seven patrons.
2016.12.02    Libya    Sirte    6    38    Several ISIS women detonate hidden suicide vests, killing two other women and four soldiers who had granted them and their children safe passage.
2016.12.02    India    Kulgam    1    0    A civilian is shot to death by two religious extremists.
2016.12.02    Syria    Aleppo    5    32    At least five civilians are dismantled by Sunni rocket fire.
2016.12.02    Syria    Raqqa    3    0    Three civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.12.02    Iraq    Kanaos    2    39    Two others are killed by Shahid suicide bombers.
2016.12.01    Syria    Aleppo    48    100    Forty-eight civilians are sent to Allah by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.12.01    Pakistan    Gomal    2    0    A conservative Muslim family kills two of their own in the name of honor.
2016.12.01    Iraq    Albu Bali    2    0    Two engineers are killed by ISIS bombers
2016.12.01    Iraq    Abu Ghraib    1    4    Islamic militants set off a bomb at a cattle market, killing a participant.
2016.12.01    Iraq    Baghdad    2    7    Mujahideen bombers lay out two Iraqis.
2016.12.01    Iraq    Mosul    15    20    Shrapnel from ISIS car bombs claim fifteen lives.
2016.12.01    Afghanistan    Kandahar    23    0    Five children and two women are among twenty-three civilians slaughtered by the Taliban.
2016.12.01    Iraq    Mosul    15    0    Islamic snipers deliberately target fifteen children over a two-day stretch.
2016.11.30    Thailand    Yala    1    3    A roadside bomb planted by Muslim 'insurgents' kills a passerby.
2016.11.30    Iraq    Mosul    12    10    A dozen civilians lose their lives when the Islamic State sends explosives into a residential area.
2016.11.30    Kenya    Garissa    5    0    Five members of a local security patrol are blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2016.11.29    Iraq    Tal Afar    15    0    A mass grave is found containing fifteen victims of ISIS executions.
2016.11.29    Somalia    Galgala    4    11    A pickup-truck is destroyed by an al-Shabaab bomb blast, along with four passengers.
2016.11.29    Pakistan    Jacobabad    2    0    A conservative Muslim honors kills his daughter and her suspected lover.
2016.11.29    Iraq    Nineveh    20    0    A video shows nearly two dozen people are executed by ISIS snipers.
2016.11.29    India    Nagrota    7    14    Seven defenders are killed when Islamic militants stage a suicide attack on a security base.
2016.11.29    Afghanistan    Aqcha    2    0    Two individuals, including a woman, are murdered in their own home by fundamentalists.
2016.11.28    Pakistan    Peshawar    1    2    An ambush by fundamentalists along a road leaves one target dead.
2016.11.28    Iraq    Samarrah    8    7    Eight Iraqis are machine-gunned by ISIS members.
2016.11.28    Iraq    Baghdad    3    8    Three lives are disintegrated by a suicide car bomber.
2016.11.28    Pakistan    Malik Shadir Gul    1    0    A retired man is shot to death by Sharia state activists.
2016.11.28    USA    Columbus, OH    0    11    A Muslim immigrant goes on a stabbing rampage after expressing his desire to kill infidels.
2016.11.28    Iraq    Sharqat    2    11    An ISIS mortar round lays out two Iraqis.
2016.11.27    Iraq    Zab    1    0    A town's mayor is brutally executed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.27    Iraq    Mahmoudiya    3    5    Three people are killed by Mujahideen bombers.
2016.11.27    Pakistan    Gulshan    1    0    An Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2016.11.27    Iraq    Mosul    28    50    Women and children are among over two dozen killed by an ISIS shelling of their neighborhood.
2016.11.26    Somalia    Galmadug    15    14    Fifteen people are killed by al-Shabaab when they resist zakat, including eight that were beheaded.
2016.11.26    Iraq    Hawija    2    1    A mother and son are vaporized by Islamic State shrapnel.
2016.11.26    India    Naidkhai    1    0    Islamic militants open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2016.11.26    Thailand    Panare    1    1    Muslims open fire on two Buddhist women, killing one who was 8-months pregnant.
2016.11.26    Somalia    Mogadishu    25    53    A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at the entrance of a market, slaughtering twenty-five bystanders.
2016.11.26    Pakistan    Ghalanai    2    15    Four Shahid suicide bombers attack a rival mosque, killing two guards.
2016.11.26    Iraq    Shababit    18    0    Eighteen Yazidi victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2016.11.26    Iraq    Mosul    16    24    An ISIS mortar barrage into a neighborhood leaves sixteen residents dead.
2016.11.25    Iraq    Mosul    15    0    Fifteen young men are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head.
2016.11.25    Iraq    Husayniya    2    5    A Mujahideen bomb blast picks off two patrons at a market.
2016.11.25    Afghanistan    Jalalabad    5    27    A child is among five killed in two Islamic State bomb blasts.
2016.11.25    Iraq    Jalawla    2    1    An ISIS bomb destroys the lives of two children.
2016.11.25    Pakistan    Sahiwal    2    0    A senior Shia journalist and his son are cut down by Sunni gunmen.
2016.11.25    Nigeria    Paskori    4    3    At least four villagers are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2016.11.25    Somalia    Jilib    2    0    Two people are beheaded by Islamists.
2016.11.25    Nigeria    Damboa    2    2    Boko Haram invade a village, kill two young people and set houses on fire.
2016.11.25    India    Kulgam    2    1    Terrorists fire into a market, killing two guards.
2016.11.24    Egypt    al-Arish    8    12    Fedayeen suicide bombers murder eight people manning a checkpoint.
2016.11.24    Iraq    Mosul    5    0    Three children and their parents are executed on personal order of the caliph.
2016.11.24    Pakistan    Razar    1    1    A popular police officer is assassinated by Islamic militants.
2016.11.24    Thailand    Songkhla    1    0    Muslim terrorists pull up on motorcycles and fire at a school, killing a guard.
2016.11.24    Iraq    Hillah    97    40    A massive truck bomb rips the life out of one-hundred Shiite pilgrims gathered at a road stop.
2016.11.24    Syria    Harasta    6    2    A half-dozen civilians are killed when Jaish al-Islam loyalists pour rocket fire into their neighborhood.
2016.11.24    Ingushetia    Nazran    2    0    Muslim terrorists open fire on a security group, killing two members.
2016.11.23    CAR    Bria    14    76    Muslim 'rebels' deliberately target civilians, killing fourteen.
2016.11.23    Iraq    Hayy al-Samah    6    30    Six women and children are killed in their homes by ISIS shells.
2016.11.23    Nigeria    Huyim    2    4    Two others are left dead following a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2016.11.23    Syria    Quneitra    2    21    Two civilians are killed when Sunni militants shell a rival neighborhood.
2016.11.23    Iraq    Baghdad    31    103    Thirty-one people are killed in various Jihadi attacks.
2016.11.23    Pakistan    Karkanai    1    0    A local official is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2016.11.23    Nigeria    Maiduguri    1    0    A suicide bomber kills one other person at a garage.
2016.11.22    Iraq    Mosul    3    0    Three doctors are picked off by ISIS snipers.
2016.11.22    Cameroon    Darak    6    0    Islamic law advocates murder six people on an island.
2016.11.22    India    Kashmir    3    0    Pakistanis sneak across the border and behead three border guards.
2016.11.22    Pakistan    Peshawar    3    5    Jamaatul Ahrar Islamists use an IED to kill three people.
2016.11.22    Yemen    Aden    1    0    A man is cut down outside his home by Islamic State gunmen.
2016.11.22    Iraq    Erbil    1    0    A moderate cleric is gunned down in his home by suspected rivals.
2016.11.22    Iraq    Mosul    15    0    Fifteen Iraqis are beheaded by the Islamic State, which then parades the bodies.
2016.11.22    Iraq    Moharibeen    14    8    Children are among fourteen innocents who lose their lives to two ISIS car bomb blasts.
2016.11.22    Somalia    Lower Shabelle    2    4    al-Shabaab members attack and kill two African peacekeepers.
2016.11.22    Iraq    Mosul    1    0    A 7-year-old child is cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2016.11.21    Afghanistan    Kabul    32    50    Over thirty worshippers at a Shiite mosque are torn to shreds by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2016.11.21    Afghanistan    Kabul    1    1    The Taliban kill one person with a magnetic bomb.
2016.11.21    Libya    Benghazi    3    20    Islamists are suspected of a car bomb blast that kills three children.
2016.11.21    Iraq    Nineveh    1    0    Shiite militia (El-Hashab el-Sharbi) shoot a Sunni teen and run over him with a tank.
2016.11.21    Iraq    Baghdad    2    4    The Islamic State drop a mortar into a neighborhood, killing two residents.
2016.11.21    Iraq    Husba    12    0    Twelve policemen are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by Islamic State members.
2016.11.20    Syria    Furqan    10    59    Sunni militants send a rocket into a school, killing ten students.
2016.11.20    Somalia    Mogadishu    2    2    An Islamist bomb blast lays out two traffic cops.
2016.11.20    Iraq    Baghdad    10    34    At least ten people are killed in a wave of Islamic State bombings of commercial districts.
2016.11.20    Iraq    Tahrir    30    5    Dozen of Iraqis are blown to bits by Shahid suicide car bombers.
2016.11.20    Mali    Northern    5    0    Jihadists murder five guards escorting ballot boxes.
2016.11.20    Iraq    Mosul    4    4    A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims the lives of four civilians.
2016.11.20    Mali    Dilli    1    0    A civilian is murdered by religious extremists.
2016.11.20    Iraq    al-Baker    20    0    Four children and seven women are among twenty civilians reduced to rubble by an Islamic State truck bomb.
2016.11.19    Iraq    Tal Adh-Dhahab    40    0    Forty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2016.11.19    Pakistan    Quetta    4    1    Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gun down four security personnel.
2016.11.19    Saudi Arabia    Dammam    1    0    A local cop is shot to death by suspected Shiite radicals.
2016.11.19    Somalia    Kismayo    3    0    An al-Shabaab bomb claims three lives.
2016.11.19    Iraq    Daquq    1    0    A baby at a displaced persons camp is disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2016.11.19    Egypt    Arish    1    0    A Sufi cleric, allegedly 100-years-old, is kidnapped and executed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2016.11.19    Iraq    Shirqat    7    0    Seven others are killed when ISIS attacks a Sunni town.
2016.11.19    Iraq    Hawija    8    0    The Islamic State execute eight people at a popular market.
2016.11.19    Syria    Aleppo    2    7    Two civilians are killed when terrorists send a shell into their neighborhood.
2016.11.18    Syria    Aleppo    5    0    Two children are among five civilians pulled apart by Sunni shrapnel.
2016.11.18    Nigeria    Maiduguri    2    0    Four suicide bombers manage to kill two civilians.
2016.11.17    Afghanistan    Bakwa    13    17    Armed fundamentalists attack a police station and machine-gun thirteen officers point-blank.
2016.11.17    Iraq    Wehda    6    0    Three children are among a family of six wiped out when a suicide belt strapped to a teenager explodes early.
2016.11.17    Iraq    Amiriyat Fallujah    20    40    A Shahid suicide car bomber massacres twenty people at a wedding.
2016.11.17    Syria    Azaz    25    24    Over two-dozen people lose their lives to a suicide car bomber.
2016.11.17    Iraq    Mosul    32    0    Thirty-two Iraqis civilians are executed by ISIS on charge of 'apostasy'.
2016.11.17    Iraq    Tahrir    1    3    A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2016.11.17    Iraq    Mosul    7    35    ISIS fire a mortar into a residential area, killing seven civilians.
2016.11.16    Iraq    Mosul    14    7    ISIS militants kill fourteen civilians with a few well-placed mortar rounds.
2016.11.16    Pakistan    Kamar Khel    5    0    Five members of a peace committee are murdered by pro-Sharia activists.
2016.11.16    Iraq    Ramadi    3    8    Three others are killed by suicide bombers.
2016.11.16    Syria    Raqqa    2    0    Two men are forced to kneel and then blasted point blank with a heavy machine-gun.
2016.11.16    Afghanistan    Kabul    7    13    A suicide bomber murders seven Afghans.
2016.11.16    India    Baramulla    1    0    Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of police, killing one.
2016.11.16    Iraq    Mosul    1    5    An ISIS blast produces a dead child.
2016.11.15    Thailand    Muang    1    0    RKK Islamists ambush and murder an off-duty cop.
2016.11.15    Nigeria    Duwabayi    13    0    A dozen innocents are slaughtered by Boko Haram Islamists.
2016.11.15    Iraq    Mosul    21    0    Twenty-one civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.11.15    Iraq    Baghdad    14    50    Mujahideen bombers take out fourteen unfortunates at outdoor markets.
2016.11.15    Pakistan    Lahore    1    0    A university professor is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack.
2016.11.15    Iraq    Shaimaa    17    7    Seventeen civilians are killed when the Islamic State rains shells down on their town.
2016.11.14    Nigeria    Dasa    9    0    Nine people are killed during a raid by Boko Haram.
2016.11.14    Iraq    Qadisiyah    63    100    Dozen of civilians, including women and children, are disassembled by an ISIS rocket barrage.
2016.11.14    Iraq    Karbala    8    6    Eight Shiite pilgrims are blown to bits by Sunni suicide bombers.
2016.11.14    Nigeria    Kano    1    0    Police allege that Shiite radicals attack and kill one of their own.
2016.11.14    Iraq    Fallujah    14    30    Fourteen people are dead following two ISIS suicide car bombings.
2016.11.14    Somalia    Burhakabo    3    0    al-Shabaab members ambush and kill at least three local cops.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
December 14, 2016, 04:14:08 PM
I do not hate Muslims. I just don't like when they move for life to another country and begin to spread they rules in that place where they come and to that people who lived long ago before them there. That's behavior I hate.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
December 14, 2016, 03:40:57 PM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.
How nice a person you are.

Here is how hateful some other people are.

Think of them as the Enforcers of  Muslimness.

They want to tell you that Islam is all peace and joy.

I see that all your comments are about and against islam, you really work hard (i see) ... anyways this girl has tweeted that she's gonna challenge the rules of this country and go naked in "التحلية " riad. Saoudi arabia is a respected place More than your parent room dude,  all muslims go there for "Hadj" and noone want to see your asshole or your tits there and Funny how this guy loves all human based on there action but it wasn't enough for you , you just want to make him hate all muslims so you can sleep well, keep doing what you, People are not stupid they will search and read more about islam and always the truth will win,  remember that all what you do will make more people intersted in islam.
Huh, asking people to hate all muslims because they didnt want to lets a girl go naked in the respected land of muslims (Mekka).
Anyways god already mentioned people like you in quran calling you the  enemie of alluh. and making god your  enemie is the worst think you can do son. Good luck.
Thank you for responding in this thread and providing the point of view of a Muslim.  Please though try to be accurate, otherwise you will just get dismissed as playing the game of Takiyya.

The girl was not "going naked" but just took a picture without burka.  So you start talking about showing assholes and tits, you are misrepresenting the matter.   

My view is that enforcers such as police should not be used in this matter.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
December 14, 2016, 03:28:10 PM
fuck you, not kill but forbid the islam in the civilized western countries you monkey. Why dont you go and play russian roulette? because 1 out of 5 slots there's a bullet? That's the same thing.

LOL... Donald Trump Jr said something similar. This was his tweet: If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you three would kill you, would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem. The liberal media went ballistic claiming that he was being racist and xenophobic. But I appreciate the guy, for having the courage to spell out the truth.
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Activity: 1022
Merit: 564
Need some spare btc for a new PC
December 14, 2016, 12:47:39 PM
If so, why?  

First of all, i don't hate Muslims or anyone related to any caste or group. As a human, we just need to understand each other feeling and have respect toward all. Life is made for all whether it is Muslim, human or animal we should't tie them into their border. Let live and let all live peacefully.

gaaaayyyyy, " Let live and let all live peacefully." well suicide bombers don't think the same way when they blow themselves up in the mass of people. Therefore, there won't be peace untill that primitive ideology is dead.

GAyyyyy & FAKE , "Lets kill all muslims because a group blow themselves"    Tongue

Fuck you.

fuck you, not kill but forbid the islam in the civilized western countries you monkey. Why dont you go and play russian roulette? because 1 out of 5 slots there's a bullet? That's the same thing.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 564
Need some spare btc for a new PC
December 14, 2016, 12:44:31 PM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.
How nice a person you are.

Here is how hateful some other people are.

Think of them as the Enforcers of  Muslimness.

They want to tell you that Islam is all peace and joy.

I see that all your comments are about and against islam, you really work hard (i see) ... anyways this girl has tweeted that she's gonna challenge the rules of this country and go naked in "التحلية " riad. Saoudi arabia is a respected place More than your parent room dude,  all muslims go there for "Hadj" and noone want to see your asshole or your tits there and Funny how this guy loves all human based on there action but it wasn't enough for you , you just want to make him hate all muslims so you can sleep well, keep doing what you, People are not stupid they will search and read more about islam and always the truth will win,  remember that all what you do will make more people intersted in islam.
Huh, asking people to hate all muslims because they didnt want to lets a girl go naked in the respected land of muslims (Mekka).
Anyways god already mentioned people like you in quran calling you the  enemie of alluh. and making god your  enemie is the worst think you can do son. Good luck.

That's exactly the problem with islam, it's so primitive it's unbelivable. Girl went out without her hijab on and he may be sentanced to death... what the fuck.

"People are not stupid they will search and read more about islam and always the truth will win,  remember that all what you do will make more people intersted in islam." islam is just like any other religion it's just that islam is made for war and terorism and opressing
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 14, 2016, 12:19:15 PM
If so, why?  

First of all, i don't hate Muslims or anyone related to any caste or group. As a human, we just need to understand each other feeling and have respect toward all. Life is made for all whether it is Muslim, human or animal we should't tie them into their border. Let live and let all live peacefully.

gaaaayyyyy, " Let live and let all live peacefully." well suicide bombers don't think the same way when they blow themselves up in the mass of people. Therefore, there won't be peace untill that primitive ideology is dead.

GAyyyyy & FAKE , "Lets kill all muslims because a group blow themselves"    Tongue

Fuck you.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 564
Need some spare btc for a new PC
December 14, 2016, 12:08:49 PM
If so, why? 

First of all, i don't hate Muslims or anyone related to any caste or group. As a human, we just need to understand each other feeling and have respect toward all. Life is made for all whether it is Muslim, human or animal we should't tie them into their border. Let live and let all live peacefully.

gaaaayyyyy, " Let live and let all live peacefully." well suicide bombers don't think the same way when they blow themselves up in the mass of people. Therefore, there won't be peace untill that primitive ideology is dead.
full member
Activity: 121
Merit: 100
I like boobies (o)(o)
December 14, 2016, 11:49:04 AM
When I see a group of men attack an innocent and defenseless girl then I know what muslim men are. They are cowards and I hate them.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 14, 2016, 11:31:55 AM
If so, why? 

First of all, i don't hate Muslims or anyone related to any caste or group. As a human, we just need to understand each other feeling and have respect toward all. Life is made for all whether it is Muslim, human or animal we should't tie them into their border. Let live and let all live peacefully.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 564
Need some spare btc for a new PC
December 14, 2016, 11:24:53 AM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.

but islam promotes those actions you hate them for.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 14, 2016, 11:08:40 AM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.
How nice a person you are.

Here is how hateful some other people are.

Think of them as the Enforcers of  Muslimness.

They want to tell you that Islam is all peace and joy.

I see that all your comments are about and against islam, you really work hard (i see) ... anyways this girl has tweeted that she's gonna challenge the rules of this country and go naked in "التحلية " riad. Saoudi arabia is a respected place More than your parent room dude,  all muslims go there for "Hadj" and noone want to see your asshole or your tits there and Funny how this guy loves all human based on there action but it wasn't enough for you , you just want to make him hate all muslims so you can sleep well, keep doing what you, People are not stupid they will search and read more about islam and always the truth will win,  remember that all what you do will make more people intersted in islam.
Huh, asking people to hate all muslims because they didnt want to lets a girl go naked in the respected land of muslims (Mekka).
Anyways god already mentioned people like you in quran calling you the  enemie of alluh. and making god your  enemie is the worst think you can do son. Good luck.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
December 14, 2016, 10:15:16 AM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.
How nice a person you are.

Here is how hateful some other people are.

Think of them as the Enforcers of  Muslimness.

They want to tell you that Islam is all peace and joy.
jr. member
Activity: 46
Merit: 10
Primedice & Stake Moderator
December 14, 2016, 08:04:23 AM
No I dont hate anyone for their religion. I hate people,for their actions. I like nice people.
Activity: 3332
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
December 14, 2016, 05:02:16 AM
SO i rest my case BAN ISLAM in the UK.. Grin

Start with your new London mayor.

London is like 30% Muslim now. The Muslim proportion of the total population is constantly increasing, while that of the other religions is declining sharply. From now onward, all the new mayors of London will be Muslim.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
December 13, 2016, 11:37:20 PM

I never said this to any member on bitcointalk but you should get some help, you are very sick sir.

The way you talk, HAha Funny, and yeah whatever fuck muslims u are right.
Your quote below and look to see who posted the violence first?..Proof is in the pudding?..

at 01:09:08 AM
Reply with quote  #873
Your hate makes my dick beat so hard that i really wanna meet you.
 Love and dont hate son!
Funny how you say that a muslim can make others in uk muslims too, is it bad ? huh, i tell you why because islam is the truth and people are sick of shitty atheists like you
If you hate a muslim he will hate you back, if you try to hurt him you will be hurt, I advice you to love everyone before you put your self in troubles.
It's not easy to hurt a muslim or anyone, cause everyone has someone to protect him.
People are not the same, Example if your brother killed my brother im not Gonna fuck your whole familly bitch!


Now the trouble is you strike first then call me very sick sir..reminds me of a boy i once knew called MOTAZ..Do you know him Cheesy Cheesy..Remember he hit me first just like you did..

Police foil UK terror plot by arresting six people after raids in London ... › News
2 days ago - Police have foiled an alleged Islamist terror plot in the UK after ... and other explosive materials ahead of a planned attack on a UK target.

NOW WHO IS THE CRAZIES..If i go shopping and get blew up a muslim would of hit me first again..

Now the point is what have i done?..OH yes i don't believe in fairy tales  Roll Eyes..
And then you wonder why i hate ISLAM..


I say if 1 bomb goes off then were ever that person comes from we should deport everyone from that nation back home..And pay them in kind back but 500 million fold Wink..

No i am not sick just know what's going on around me Wink..
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
December 13, 2016, 11:13:57 PM

I never said this to any member on bitcointalk but you should get some help, you are very sick sir.

The way you talk, HAha Funny, and yeah whatever fuck muslims u are right.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1027
December 13, 2016, 10:54:18 PM
Funny how you say that a muslim can make others in uk muslims too, is it bad ? huh, i tell you why because islam is the truth and people are sick of shitty atheists like you..

Point 1 Islam is the truth about what?..So Allah split the moon?..Also do you believe in flying horses?..

So now we get back to the point of TRUTH..So is Islam the truth?..
And lets get one thing straight do you think we are scared?..
Scared to waste our lives over nothing YES..
But believe me you ain't seen what us westerners can really become if we so wish You need to understand we had our religious madness we don't want to go backward Wink..
BUT if you muslims think you can send us backwards then think again..WE WILL CRUSH YOU ALL..

We have our way of life and it's not a muslim life..

Muslims used to integrate but because so many have come over they got there own world SHARIA WORLD..

Now India we integrate i love India we mingle and never been a problem not ever..

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