can you explain that why you do not use your own paypal account for that service? and if you do not have paypal account then why you are preferring it why not use another payment processor?
Nowadays bitcoin is more favorable you will not need any other person for that job but you can do it yourself.
Good and constructive question.
As said earlier we process high-risk payments (nothing illegal or immoral however. No drugs, no porn, no firearms).
And we do process a lot of money. So with only a few Paypal or "new" Paypal we go nowhere. We are already using our own PP that said. But unless you have a very good standing account, PP won't let you process thousands of $ every day without putting payments on hold and asking for a lot of documentation. This is problematic and highly time consuming, and meanwhile we can't accept other payments from other clients neither.
Hope it answers your question?
With your own business account, you can very well transact many thousands of USDs easily if you can prove paypal that you're a legal business. Even if you're dealing in some goods/services which are absolutely legal, but paypal don't allow doing business with those goods/services - you can easily make some fake documents/invoice etc to satisfy paypal.
Dealing with high risk items is never a problem with paypal. But getting chargeback/dispute is a problem surely. No matter what you business volume is, even if it is over 1 million USD per month, you can easily accommodate such fund with just few paypal accounts, if not a single. But it seems you need unlimited paypal accounts, the more the better.
Only when you're sure that you'll get chargeback/dispute against the fund, then you need unlimited supply of paypal accounts - cause within a very short time (you already mentioned 1 month after account will be unusable) the paypal account will be with negative balance with multiple chargeback/dispute.
Now, if you're doing a real business, even if you're selling drugs/arms etc, why the hell a paypal account will be unusable after 1 month, care to explain? If you're actually delivering your items to your buyer, no matter how illegal it is, why the buyer would file a chargeback/dispute? Cause unless there is chargeback/dispute - it's very hard to make a paypal account unusable/limited. Yes, paypal can of course ask for documents etc, but those can be easily dealt with fake documents. Now please don't tell me that you're very moral person, so you don't want to submit fake documents to paypal lol.
So in short, it needs to be better explained here I think.
Hmmm are you aware that even top Ebay sellers have issues with their pp account?
There are thousands of well established Ebay sellers that get their account and payments frozen from one day to another. This is a very stressful situation when you process huge amounts of money.
Paypal is a nightmare for medium to big businesses. But it's still the only good option.
Nope, you're wrong here! Not TOP ebay sellers who actually deliver what they are selling and have excellent buyers feedback in their accounts. However, yes, there are lots of sellers who don't deliver what they promise or sell such items which are not allowed to sell in ebay, but they are never TOP sellers - far from that! They get banned before becoming a top seller lol