Which one is your cursed team when it comes to gambling?
No matter how we place the bet we will surely get disappointed for real. There has been times where I placed for Chelsea to lose because they have been losing all the times I wished they will win but they keep losing just the day I decided to put Chelsea on the losing side that day they won, I don't know what is it with me when it comes to Chelsea on gambling am always losing, i usually use to feel I'm the only one who experiences this until i broke it out with my friends in school and they too shared their experience on the same team/club although others had theirs on other teams but a few of us was just chelsea.
NB: this not an arguement on favourite clubs, so Chelsea fans skip the thought.
Just having my thoughts on this, honestly speaking it's fustrating seeing your best team loosing the match whereas you have put so much faith in then winning the match and alongside you have betted for their win but they end up loosing. What a mess.
I think this things happen on daily basis most especially when they are to be your best team.
Few days back a friend visited me with an angry face and was complaining as well, and I was like what's the issue he started spilling out what's wrong, before then I saw from his countenance and said you lose your bets? And he replied not really but can you imagine what Manchester is playing and I was like sometimes are like that.
But it didn't end there, tho he said he played for them to lose in the bets but watching them lose the match entirely it's what got him so annoyed.