Do you quit your office work when you starts making profits from your trading.
I want to know, the reason why I am putting this up here is because as we already aware that trading doesn't guaranteed a regular profits, or we can't be sure of how much would make either every week or months. Does it mean we should stop our office because a trade gives us x amounts today and we think we would still have that chance tomorrow?
Your inputs is needed.
Because as you said, this is not permanent, even a job is not permanent, but IMO a good job the one you love or not is making you a stable income you can meet your daily expenses with that money and the money you have to trade, you can use that to take more risky trades even because we all know risk can bring more profit but yeah more lose as well. So for now, I suggest we should not leave the job until we have made enough money or until we really become a successful traders. If you can make a good profit even in bear market then I would say yeah leaving the job is a good idea because if a trader is making a profit in all situations, then he is really expert.