Are you really retired, or just not working for now?
Done! Bought a few thousand btc early on, sold at 250 and 1000 and have retired since.
I have a few properties, a healthy bank account and a few old school cold wallets put away for safe keeping!
For all intensive purposes I've retired. I do however maintain 3 rental properties that I own, some people call that work. I call it living!
Viva la Bitcoin and Cloakcoin!
If you weren't a high school drop out you would realize the phrase is "intents and purposes" not intensive purposes.
The problem with ignorant, uneducated people is they don't know they are.
Oh I'm sorry, how about you crawl back under the darkcoin bagholding rock you came from.
Explain to me what it's like to wear your ignorance as a badge of honour. I have a pet guinea pig. I'm sure he thinks he's pretty clever. Is that the case with you? Do you honestly believe it? Deep down you must realize that you failed at the most remedial task expected of a first world participant. How does feel to know that you are most likely the dumbest person on this forum?
I find it quite fascinating. It's like watching a chimpanzee try to paint.