People all over the world are taking other peoples lives so they should be punished and have to go through the trauma their victims did! Why do people think it's acceptable to murder someone? I only think the death penalty should be brought on the worst crimes such as murder. If a man has taken the life of another man then he deserves death.
What about medical malpractice or medical error even? Do you think the person who mistakenly took someone's life still deserves the death penalty? What about road traffic accidents? Does a policeman or a sooldier deserves the death penalty if he took a life?
This is a very complex question and I voted NO, because I think it is better to let a murderer to live in some cases than occasionally kill innocent people.
Don't immediately turn off your mind because I mention "Bible," but the solution in the Old Testament was to have several cities that were designated for people to be sent to if they had committed accidental death of someone. They were not allowed to leave the city for an average of 25 years.
The cities were not prisons. They were entirely free within the city walls. But certainly the regular people within those cities were prepared to test out any newcomers to find out if those newcomers were really murderers, or if they were simply victims of circumstance.
Great idea. You never cease to amaze me. Let's do this
And why in Earth would they stay in this city?
Execution if they left the city before the term set for them was over. Probably there were a few who went outside and were never executed alive. Probably there were some who remained in, and were found to be murderers later, and were executed.
So... A wall around the city and guardians killing the ones who dare to escape...
Dude, doesn't it really sound like a hardcore prison to you? xD
No guards around the outside. Freedom and liberty within.
If someone left when he was not supposed to, he could do it. But if the "avenger of blood" found him outside, he was dead meat. And even if he returned to the city without being caught, if it was found out that he had left, execution.
It was a form of freedom for people who were guilty because of circumstances rather than murder. The thing that made something like this necessary was that it was definitely a killing, but it wasn't necessarily murder. It was a benefit of the doubt thing for the killer.
Over the period of time in the city, the people of the city would find out the truth. A person who is free but has killed accidentally, will wind up showing his innocence over time. A murder is likely to slip up and prove that he is a murder.
Something like this would be a good thing to have in America and any free country.