I think that if they want to take over "the world" they are going to be faced with severe opposition from half the Bilderberg club. Love your theory.
half? what does this other half want? and why would they oppose it? they can kill (and will) zuck or dorsey at any moment if they don't tow the agreed line... so... I don't see your point...
a theory?
There are a lot of people banned from twitter who can't read the POTUS tweet... isn't it a war crime? isn't it a problem that the potus should take care of ? why does he publish in a private held platform who can censor those who want to engage with the potus?
anyway... death to dorsey!
Oppose him? No, no... is not about opposition, is more about competition on who is going to be first
first to what? die?
Wait, let me get this straight. You want someone to kill Jack Dorsey because he is suspending accounts? Doesn't that seem a bit extreme?
A lot of the things you are talking about seem to be conspiracy theory stuff. I'd be careful about some of the things you are reading/watching. It might not be good for your sanity.
First let me be clear, I can't want anything. I just express my feeling through pixels on a screen. Second I don't want "someone", but a lawful legal death sentence, by it by an EO or what ever, death to dorsey. thrid, it's because it's specific accounts that he targets. It was astute from your parts to deny it, to try to frame me for what ever crap will happen to him (accidents happen) and 4th it's absolutely not extreme. Just a righteous way to respond to censorship. Remember he does censor for his gains. And as said as he doesn't respect my free speech, I don't see why I should respect his propriety or bodily integrity. nice attempts, but failed. And finally one dorsey down saves a lot of lives... otherwise it's all his team
(Which I don't oppose, as the software is already wriiten) some would speak of hostile take over
And a question I would like to aim toward OP: if censorship results in the death penalty, then what in your opinion would be the consequences of rape and murder?
Thank you very much for your interesting question. Sadly it's not part of the topic. I guess you didn't attempt to make the topic about the artificial reduction in the lifespan of dorsey go awry. You can always open your own topic on those subjects
, because this forum respect freedom of speech
. See TheyMos should be at least be remember as important as Satoshi ! I would say that without theymos there wouldn't be bitcoin.
You do realize "freedom of speech" is a thing guaranteed by governments, right? The United States constitution guarantees no interference from government, right? Private institutions, corporations, and any private thing--they have no obligation to guarantee freedom of speech. OP's reaction to whatever it was the CEO did is juvenile at best.
Can you imagine the internet if websites didn't censor people? Would you like unlimited spam? Threats? Racial insensitivity? Yeah, I didn't think so. And even if you did want all those things, there are a lot of people who don't. Government shouldn't stifle free speech, I agree with that. But Twitter? Those decisions are made by Twitter. There's no government interference there.
First of all freedom of speech is not "a thing". Read the quotes on the OP please. It's corner stone and fundamental value on which all America is build on (and the right to defend it with an arm).
Exactly when tencent, baidu or I don't who in china apply censorship it's because it's a law and order (that can't be discussed for now). Here it's an individual in conivence with one of the biggest international criminal group who usesd media promotions to eliminate alternative to then ban certain speech on his plateform that the international criminal group doesn't like. Just for you to understand the enormity of the situation The 45th President of the United States of America was censored for 11 minutes (I guess) from twitter. So his twitter an open platforms and not responsible of the words of it's users and which can't censor or it isn't, in which case all the damages of all terrorists groups must be paid by dorsey, meaning he will indebted for eternity.
No, my reaction is clear, when a corporation is high jacked by domestic or foreign enemies it becomes the enemies and acceptable (and wished) collateral damages can widen very very fast to very very large numbers...
Corporations exist only because they are allowed to exist by the Empire of War, Twitter did engage the Empire of War, now I hope they will enjoy the rain... there can be pleasure in killing in the enemies, and it teach great lessons to the juvenile immatures uneducated potential enemies... the christ was crucified, be he wasn't alone, nor the first, nor the last.
I hope you understand.
Do I have the possibility to block an account on twitter like on this forum? I guess so. End of the discussion. I am free to decide who I read (Donald J. Trump) or who I don't (who knows...).
Exactly, this is the point of my message, I think that the US gov should kill Jack Dorsey to 1 save the lives of his workers, secondly warn all the others censors wannabe (don't say you are an open plateform if you aren't, it's a lie (you lie, you die
) of the silicon valley, or else where, here it's the USA ! and I think Jack Dorsey deserve it ! and frankly it could be fun... ! there is so many ways to make it live... would be nice to have the first kill pic on twitter
and then read all the rip message
and be able to trash comment them
ahahaha !
Death to Jack Dorsey, remember he could have said no to the international criminal group, but I guess the appeal of cheap money was too strong.
Thank you all very much for your question, remarks and comments !
Keep focus, the question is : Do you think that Jack Dorsey (twitter CEO) is an enemy of the human race?
Please express yourself
I am asking for your opinion. As you see mine all reinforce itself at each message. there is no way back for jack.