Yeah, I can understand that.
I've found even less work as a poet.
...But I have to make a living somehow.
I also take offense to being condescended upon. Money isn't the end-all be-all.
It's simply a symbolic representation of false value that is used to determine a service/good based on the particular notions of value as defined by whomever is making the rules.
The bitcoin is simply a more free and decentralized methodology to the above.
A person's luck in being at the right place at the right time and/or ability to do certain things at a certain time, should not equate to a inflated state of superiority complex. We are still just about all identical physiologically.
I'd appreciate it if some people behaved like adults and treated others with respect rather then putting them down for the sake of reinforcing their own insecure sense of self.
I may not have much but I have my dignity. And I do not confuse superficial status and materialism with life.
No human being should have to barely scrape by.
...And while I love that there is some charitable distribution of bitcoins. There's also bitcoin greed.
*A surprising phenomena...or perhaps not*
Blindly following the status-quo. Never questioning the way things are...
That every person must treat the other like feces in order to acquire something rather then treating every person as a person.
Does it really have to be this way? Without any hope of change, where people are enslaved by symbols.
...Before we can change the system, first we need to change ourselves.
And who has the courage to do that?
I've watched most of the zeitgeist films. I understand how congested the market is, and I wish I didn't have to profit off of my writing because it's something I've always done because I loved doing it.
I love being creative and pushing my boundaries. Oscar Wilde once said that "Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly" and that's how I feel. Whether I'm good or bad, I'd keep doing what I love.
Sadly, when your boxed into a corner you have to try to wiggle free. This society leaves us with little options and you wind up hating yourself at the end of the day.
It's not the way we were meant to live. I feel it deep inside, *it's just not* and I know that everyone would agree with me in that regard, whether they admit it publicly or not. *Even defenders of this system*
Bill Hicks called it our voice of Reason. I don't know if that would be an official way of putting it or if it's just our subconscious true selves warring against the artificial programming, but either way there is a disgust that arises with everything that capitalism brings.
...And I've seen that site **
There are people that aspire to create monopolies and fiendishly hoard bitcoins. *I don't even know if there can be billions of bitcoins.* The whole point was to create a currency that could be circulated in a balanced way without the constant printing of debt *ala Federal Reserve or any bank*
The entire concept of bitbillions just swelled anger in me because it shows that there are still delusional individuals out there without any conceptual understanding of how their lives relate to the rest of the world.
That anyone would want to hoard virtual bytes on a screen, when such things can never really be owned. *No material object can* Is repugnant to a logical mind.
...And as is always the case, when one has more, others have less. And when the worth of an individual is judged not by who they are but by what they own, then that society judging, can strip humanity away from all but the material objects themselves.
The way our current system works, I wonder if we are truly considered living beings or simply accessories to whatever it is that is attached to our names.
Money isn't everything, but people who say that are usually just bitter because they can't make any.
Money isn't the highest priority in my life by any stretch of the imagination, but I love money. It's great. Useful stuff, can always use more of it. Great fun to earn it. Gives a feeling of satisfaction for having been able to help someone achieve their goals, while simultaneously contributing to my own.
I'm a poet too. People love my poetry. I use it as a tool to charm people. But I would never expect anyone to pay me for it, unless I were writing children's books. (Which I've considered, strangely.) Why? Because it isn't intrinsically useful to people. It is purely sentimental in value. And that's okay; I'm not bitter about that at all.
Money, on the other hand, is a system of measurement. Monetary value of a service or product is a subjective evaluation of the personal usefulness of the aforementioned in question. To say that something has little or no monetary value is a subjective judgment on the personal usefulness of that which is judged, but in no way is to say that something is worthless by other standards of valuation. Hence, "monetary value", in contrast to, "sentimental value", or, "intellectual value", etc.
"The deep darkness of my bloody soul wiggles like a silly snake on a stick while Steve Irwin dances on the furious storm's silver lining", is not valuable to anyone in a monetary fashion, nor do I hope to God that it ever will be.
That said, yes, Bitcoin is a small, largely specialized market where people are not going to have a whole lot of monetary use for poetry or drawings. It appeals specifically to glorious neckbeards, wizards, and pirates who dwell in the realm of Cyberspace and take gigabytes out of cookies for snacks. (I am eating girlscout cookies as I write this.)
It will probably stay that way for awhile until the less tech-oriented populous catches onto the benefits and can figure out how to set up that there wallet kajigger without being robbed blind. It would be stupid for people to run out and superfluously spend a rapidly deflationary currency as though it were USD, because they'd be losing money. It calls for being more prudent with one's investments, at the risk of losing potential gains. That is the "greed" you speak of. I call it, "being good at math."
I also find it remarkable that you'd mention the status quo amongst a group of... Well, whatever this group is. There's such a remarkable diversity of different fringe viewpoints here that I'm not sure there even is a status quo. (Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with being on the fringe.) Really, where in this thread has anyone treated you "like feces"? What has rustled you so, my fellow forum dweller?
And I'm not attacking you, so don't get that impression. All I'm saying is... Everything you're upset about is to be expected. Have patience. Things will change in time. There is no need to be upset.
I hope you haven't stopped reading yet, because I actually intended to help alleviate your dilemma. There are small markets for writing and drawing. I can recommend or as successful small markets where you can offer services.
They deal in USD, but if you really wish to "change" the "status quo" of the market of bitcoin and you yourself "have the courage", then I recommend taking Ghandi's advice and being the change that you want to see in the world. You have the opportunity to be that guy and make a difference. You can take affirmative action here by earning USD, buying Bitcoin, and then not "being greedy" with it by adding some liquidity to the market.
Or you can just hang onto it. I don't care.
If your stated services don't sell, then I recommend getting creative and trying new things. In fact, I recommend copying other people who are having a lot of success. Stealing ideas is part of capitalism, and it's fantastic. That's how we innovate.
(Oh, and yes. I enjoy writing walls of text. It's a hobby of mine.)