John Anthony West exploring the symbolism, and digging deeper into the knowledge and spirituality, of the ancient Egyptians. He explores many sites, and using his own research he shows us a side of the culture rarely exposed by modern science and Egyptology. Very enlightening and informative series. All 8 the parts into one video for easier viewing. They are listed as follows...
1. Magical Egypt - The Invisible Science
2. Magical Egypt - The Old Kingdom and Still Older Kingdom
3. Magical Egypt - Descent
4. Magical Egypt - The Temple in Man
5. Magical Egypt - Navigating the Afterlife
6. Magical Egypt - Legacy
7. Magical Egypt - Illumination
8. Magical Egypt - Cosmology
Put this together with sun gazing (Google it).
Without sunlight, plants grow up in bad health. Animals and people need some direct sunlight to remain healthy.
Maybe there is more to the sun than we think. It may be even more than simple energy. Maybe nutrition comes from the sun in patterns. These patterns are the pattern of life in our bodies. Maybe gaining the patterns through looking at the sun is better than getting them through eating plants and animals. Most of what there is to know about our universe and nature (like more than 99%) has not been found out yet.
Read about sun gazers who claim that they don't need much if any food after they have been doing their sun gazing for like a year or longer.