So many gamblers have seen gambling as part of what makes their day a colorful one regardless of whether they win or not, gambling already have been seen as a means of having fun, it brings about exciting moments altogether, we gambles and also enjoy doing it because we are best at what we do, some also target special days or seasons for their gambling experience in a new dimension just as we have with the easter season whereby you discovered that some gamblers already planned on this occasion how they could gamble at the course of the celebration.
It will vary a lot from person to person how happy they get from gambling
What is the size of the dopamine hit and how they experiences go in general to determine if they’ll keep gambling or not
A huge number of possibilities
But if it’s good for them that’s nice. Celebration!
For people who are gambling or playing for fun, the game surely have to be exciting, or else, the major purpose or reason for their participation in gambling is totally and absolutely defeated, and I believe such an experience won't encourage such a person to continue to gamble since it doesn't offer or give them that which they want.
But for someone who is gambling majorly to make money, I do not think that gaming excitement really matter, since all they care about Is winning and making money, they only excitement for them is when they win and make profit, it's like someone who is working a day job in a company that he or she hates, or hates the job, but he or she still have to wake up early every blessed day to prepare and go to that job, what is the motivation?
The motivation is simple, money., for the person knows that at the end of the month, he or she is gonna get paid, that alone serves as a motivation to keep going to the job everyday, not because he or she is excited about the job, but for them, it's just simply all about the money.
Gambling is quite different from business or company work, but money drives most people to do their jobs, same as gamblers. Even in the corporate world, money shouldn't be the drive. If a person doesn't like his work, he's meant to stop it. Another will show up, but due to fear of not getting another job, most people will remain in a toxic working environment for money. They quickly forget about their emotional and mental health, because they think without money, they won't clear their bills and debts. Gamblers also think like most workers who are in this condition. They understand deep down, gambling profusely isn't right, but for the hope of winning money, they'll go ahead to try gambling against their will.
You'd never expect such a gambler to be excited, even when he wins, his emotions have been deterred from excitement, without his consent. The fact that people focus on what they believe and forget about themselves, is putting lots of people into an emotional meltdown. When the whole program, work, or gambling drive is over, the money will finish, but the emotional problem it leaves on the player will stick around for a long time. His close family or kids could also suffer from this, because of the often mood swings from their Father, husband, wife, or brother. Hence, neglecting our mental health for the sake of money is not right. The whole money could go down in treating the affected person.